Agenda item

Former Our Lady's Primary School, Windsor Garth.

A major full application for the erection of 56 new two storey dwellings and associated works. [Westfield Ward] [Site Visit]


Consideration was given to a major full application by Mr. Joel Owen for the erection of 56 new two storey dwellings and associated works at the Our Lady’s Primary School site, Windsor Garth, York.


Officers provided an update to the committee report, full details of which are attached to the online agenda for information. Details included:

·        Further comments on the density of the proposed development. The density was considered acceptable when compared with nearby existing development and the proposed level in the existing and draft Local Plan.

·        The impact of small domestic animals in the area and confirmation that the countryside officer did not consider this to be material.

·        Site access and confirmation that Highways Officers consider the current proposed arrangement to be acceptable.

·        Sustainability, in particular that the applicant is exploring ways to move the rating up to BREEAM Code for Sustainable Homes level 4.

·        Paragraph 1.1 of the Committee Report contains a typing error. “46 for social rent... should read 41 for social rent....”

·        A further comment had been received from Hob Moor Residents expressing concern at the removal of the existing security railings at the site.

·        Yorkshire Wildlife Trust object to the proposal the grounds of the increased intensity of use on the site and the significant  potential harm to the Designated Local Nature Reserve through increased, noise, light and usage by domestic animals. They asked for a range of measures to address their concerns.


Peter Green had registered to speak as Chair of Friends of Hob Moor and as a Local Resident. He queried if the site was the right place for a development of 56 houses. He also raised concern at the developer’s apparent lack of knowledge on the adjoining nature reserve. He questioned if Natural England knew about the proposals as they had funded the reserve in the past. He asked that the application be resubmitted with fewer houses, a better sustainability rating and with more respect for the nature reserve and local residents.


Joel Owen had registered to speak on behalf of Yorkshire Housing. He highlighted the need for affordable housing in York and considered the scheme to be highly deliverable. He acknowledged that the sustainability level proposed was the minimum but Yorkshire Housing would work to improve the sustainability credentials of the site.


Members had concerns about the lack of a play area on the site, the application only achieving the minimum BREEAM Code 3 and the use of a boundary fence.


In answer to a number of questions, Mr. Owen and Planning Officers made the following points:

·        BREEAM code level 3 is the accepted minimum level in line with Council policy.

·        In response to comments by the Friends of Hob Moor, a condition to keep the current railings around the site would be acceptable. However, a boundary fence would still be placed within the railings.

·        It was not considered necessary to include play area provision due to the proximity to Hob Moor and the associated maintenance costs to tenants.


Councillor Simpson Laing moved and Councillor Williams seconded deferral of the application. When put to the vote it was:


Resolved:           That the application be deferred.


Reason:              To enable the applicant to address the concerns raised in relation to the lack of a play area, sustainability and the boundary fence.




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