Agenda item

Results of the Workplace Wellbeing Survey 2013

This report provides Members with the headline results of the Council’s latest  2013 workplace wellbeing staff survey. It also describes how the results have been used to date, what happens next and provides a summary of what was done as a result of the 2011 staff survey.

A detailed verbal presentation of trends behind the headline results will be given by a representative of Health ‘e’ Solutions who carried out the survey.



Consideration was given to a report which provided Members with the organisation level results on the latest 2013 Workplace Wellbeing Staff Survey. The report also provided details of actions taken as a result of the 2011 survey together with progress to date and further action planned, following this year’s staff survey.


Paul Entwistle, representing Health ‘e’ Solutions facilitators of the 2013 staff survey, gave a detailed verbal presentation to the Committee of the trends behind the headline results. The main points being:

·        The survey was a follow up of the 2011 survey with all staff invited to participate

·        It was an anonymous survey with only group data being reported on (groups of 10 or more employees)

·        The survey consisted of 10 profile questions , 35 workplace stress risk indicator questions and an Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Workplace Stress Risk Assessment

·        1,428 employees participated giving a 42.3% rate, up 5% on 2011

·        HSE workplace stress factors were listed as:

o   Demand

o   Control

o   Peer and Manager Support

o   Relationships

o   Role

o   Change

·        Results of the HSE stress risk indicators were categorised from ‘Very Good’ to ‘Need for Improvement’

·        A comparison with the 2011 results had shown an improvement on Control, Support and Relationships, Change had maintained its position as Good and Demands and Role had shown a reduction.

·        467 individual comments had been made by staff all of which would be analysed and fed back

·        A summary of results would now be provided for both Managers and staff, with Directorates having access to their own results

·        Local interventions and actions plans would be developed and reviewed with progress being measured.


Members questioned a number of points arising from the report and presentation including:

·        Confirmation that only school support staff had been included in the survey rather than the teaching staff

·        The move to West Offices had been commented on by a large number of staff. Suggested that peer support could have contributed to the improved results.

·        Importance of planned action to alleviate any issues raised in the survey to ensure their effectiveness e.g. bullying

·        Concern at the low response rate and suggested requirement for future surveys to be completed by all employees

·        Need to identify reasons for non participation and reiterate that this was a completely anonymous survey.


Officers confirmed that a similar presentation had been made to Unions and the Joint Health and Safety Committee. An improvement plan would now be prepared highlighting staff groups where there had been low participation rates.


A full communication plan had been agreed which included the provision of the summary results and the full report being made available to all staff. Corporate actions and directorate plans would be presented to the Corporate Management Team in December with progress against these plans being reported in June 2014.


Resolved:           That the Committee note the progress and achievements made since the 2011 survey, the headline results of the 2013 survey and the work undertaken to date and future priorities.


Reason:              To keep Members informed of how the results of the staff survey are used to drive improvement in workforce related matters.


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