Agenda item

Sessions of York, Huntington Road, York, YO31 9HS. (13/02724/FULM).

A major full application for the erection of 59 dwellings with associated works following demolition of existing buildings (resubmission). [Huntington and New Earswick Ward] [Site Visit]



Consideration was given to a major full application, submitted by Ben Bailey Homes and Stirling Scotfield (Ebor) LLP, for the erection of 59 dwellings with associated works, following demolitions of existing buildings (resubmission).


Councillor D’Agorne left the meeting and took no part in the consideration of this item.


Officers provided an update in which they requested revisions to Conditions 8, 9, 23 and 33 for further clarity. A copy of the full wording of the revised conditions, circulated at the meeting, have been added to the online agenda for information.


Following a request, Officers confirmed that the requirement for a lighting scheme would allow the authority to ensure that wildlife would not be unduly affected by the lighting proposals. The Chair also confirmed that the proposed conditions covered the removal of the chicanes on Huntington Road and their replacement with permanent traffic calming measures.


Tom Cook, spoke in support of the scheme as the applicants agent, referring to consultation undertaken and extensive pre application discussion with Officers prior to submission of the application. It was pointed out that the site was in a sustainable location, close to public transport routes and made good use of a vacant site.


Cllr Orrell, as a Ward Member, confirmed details of the developer’s community involvement prior to submission of the application this had included both Ward Members, residents and the Parish Council which had worked well. He expressed support for the proposals but raised some concerns regarding the flat roofs proposed on some properties and the lack of details relating to the new traffic calming measures.


Following further discussion it was



Resolved:           That the application be approved subject to a Section 106 agreement, the imposition of the conditions contained in the Officers report, together with the following amended conditions and informative:



Condition 8 - Prior to the occupation of the dwellings a full lighting scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme shall detail the locations, heights, design and lux of all external lighting. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved lighting scheme.


Condition 9 - Prior to occupation of the dwellings a detailed landscaping scheme which shall illustrate the number, species, height and position of trees and shrubs shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme shall be implemented within a period of six months of the completion of the development. Any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless alternatives are agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Condition 23 - Prior to the commencement of any works on the site, a detailed method of works statement identifying the programming and management of site clearance/preparatory and construction works shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA, all works on site shall be undertaken in accordance with the approved statement. Such a statement shall include at least the following information;


Planning Committee 23.10.2013

- the routing that will be promoted by the contractors to use main arterial routes and avoid the peak network hours

- where contractors will park

- where materials will be stored within the site

- measures employed to ensure no mud/detritus is dragged out over the adjacent highway.

Reason: To ensure that the development can be carried out in a manner that will not be to the detriment of amenity of local residents, free flow of traffic or safety of highway users.


Condition 33 -  Prior to the occupation of the dwellings on Plots 10, 11, 12, and 13 the acoustic fence shown in Drawing Number 4135/01 Revision K (received 7 October 2013) shall be in place and retained.


Additional Informative relating to green roofs over the flat roofed properties – Consideration should be given to the incorporation of ‘green’ roofs for Plots 13,14,15,16 and 17. Further details should be submitted as part of Condition 3. If green roofs for these units does not prove to be practicable, justification should be submitted to the Planning Authority.


Reason:              The proposed development would provide a mix of market and affordable housing in line with current guidance. The development has been designed to modern highway standards to reduce vehicle speeds and encourage pedestrian movement. The proposal would introduce a mixed residential scheme in a sustainable location.

Supporting documents:


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