Agenda item
Julia Mulligan, Police & Crime Commissioner
JM thanked the meeting for inviting her along. Her focus is listening to residents and passing issues onto the Police. She’s been in post nearly a year. Achievements so far have included launching public consultation on the Police and Crime Plan -approx 4,000 responses. The option to cut Police officer numbers has been reversed and the force will maintain 1,392 officers and 183 PCSOs. There are however £10million of savings to find. There is a good relationship with the Council and lots of innovative projects being discussed. Another success has been the new sex assault referral centre and the multi agency Safer York Hub at West Offices. JM particularly concerned about mental health support. A new major crime unit opened today in Harrogate dealing with major crime and cold cases.
JM took questions from the floor. Cllr Reid read out questions submitted by residents prior to the meeting:
Q How will the residential 20mph limits for West of York be policed ?
A There are no new resources going into the policing of 20mph limits, will be part of routine enforcement. Focus on catching persistent offenders.
Q Will there be Fixed Penalty notice fines like in Oxford? A No
Q. Will you be encouraging residents to start speed watch groups and be giving them access to speed equipment training to help enforcement?
A Yes we do encourage local communities to help monitor with speedguns etc but residents need to be committed.
Q How does it work regarding enforcement – will you be breaking the law if you are going at 21mph?
A At the time of being stopped. If its a 20mph limit area then you will be prosecuted if you are travelling between 24-31 mph.
Q does it cover cyclists? A No 20mph limit doesn’t extend to cyclists.
Q Will NYP adopt the new ACPO guidelines?
A yes including speed awareness courses for officers.
Q Is it Up to the individual police officer to identify ‘persistent offenders’?
A They can deploy a black box to identify areas. Local residents can request a black box in their area. Currently residents need to fill in a paper 95 Alive scheme form. Police need to review the 95 Alive scheme to be more resident user friendly.
Q Moor Lane is a permanent racetrack.
A In response Cllr Reid said that Moor Lane is on the CYC list for work to be done.
Q which Police division is responsible for applying traffic monitoring?
A Its 95 Alive and the Traffic Management divsion . If there’s a problem the traffic camera van will come and monitor. In some areas PCSO are trained to use speed guns, but not in York.
Q is it possible to find out the number of traffic tickets issued?
A there is information on the website. Will try and bring ot the next meeting because its a very large spreadsheet to view online.
Q Why do we see PCSOs walking along in two’s?
A, if they are in pairs it’s for a specific reason/job or task
Q In relation to the Local Plan proposals, and 22,000 more dwellings what provision is there for the police to cope with this?
A its is a piece of work that is being undertaken at the moment.
Q Issue at the top end of Moor Lane with the signage and cars going through the hedge into the ditch.
Resident also asked if the bends between the A1237 roundabout and the 30mph limit need better signs and if the 40mph limit on this section is the correct speed.
A Cllr Reid to report.
We will review the current signing of the 30 and 40 speed limits on Moor Lane to check that it is correct and enforceable. The bend warning signs and chevrons will also be checked.
The 40mph speed limit is the lowest speed limit that would be introduced on this section of the road. The environment at this point is rural and if the speed limit was set at 30mph achieving compliance would be a problem. If the entire length of the road was subject to a 30mph limit there would not be any terminal signing where it is currently located at the start of the built up area. This could have the negative effect of increasing vehicle speeds along Moor Lane in the built up area.
The presence of isolated junctions or bends is not be used to set lower speed limits along roads. While 40mph is the maximum speed it is legally possible to drive at on this section of road it is not a target and drivers may have to alter their speed to negotiate the bends or junctions safely.
Any defective or missing signing will be replaced as soon as practical.
Q A resident reported a negative experience of PCSOs attitude.
A it was suggested to take down their collar number to report it.
Q in response to the question raised with the PCSO earlier in the meeting about Dialing 101 number – there have been 9,000 extra calls recently. The cost of these calls is agreed as part of a national procurement process, however JM said she would look into whether there is any room for manoeuvre with the mobile phone charges.
Q could people use text or email instead.
A NYP need to look at other options and there will be significant investment in technology over the next 2 years.
Q is there a general rule about cars overtaking cyclists at roundabout?
A Cyclists should be in the middle of the road so no car over take you. as you go straight over the roundabout keep to the left.
Q as people are relying on Sat Navs is there co-operation between the police and SAT Nav companies?
A the ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers) is having discussions with providers.
Q Resident said that she was happy that there would be no decrease in police officer numbers, but are there any plans to close any local police stations down?
A no there aren’t, JM had a pledge to double the number of special constables but this wasn’t a priority in York where there are many.
Q There is a high number of door to door selling possible due to the economic climate.
A officer said that you must give the Police a ring if you believe cold calling is taking place or you feel threatened The Cold Calling Zones is managed by the Council and if you want to suggest one for your street residents need to get in touch with Trading Standards.
Q Resident asked if more could be done to rid the streets of beggars.
A Julia said that the basic issues of drugs, alcohol addiction needed addressing otherwise we are just moving them onto another area. Many are offered rooms in hostels but don’t take them and the Police have no powers to move them on.
Cllr Reid thanked Julia Mulligan for attending the meeting