Agenda item

The Pupil Support Centre, Danesgate, Fulford Cross, York (06/1623/GRG3)


Members considered a General Regulations (Reg3) application, submitted by Education Services City of York Council, for a single storey skills centre and extension to the Bridge Centre at Danesgate, Fulford Cross, York.


Officers updated that following consultation with the Council’s Archaeologist he suggested the addition of a Condition requiring a watching brief on the site. Following a query received on the hours of use and discussions with Environmental Health it was proposed to include a condition allowing evening use until 9pm with the site vacated by 10pm. It was confirmed that Members had received a copy of the Sustainability Statement for the development and it was suggested that a condition tying the statement to the scheme would be appropriate. 


Officers also confirmed that during the site visit the previous day Members had referred to the illumination of the site, in particular the boundary adjacent to Maple Grove. It was reported that the Architect for the scheme would be appointing a Lighting Engineer to examine the illumination of the whole site. It was therefore proposed to add a condition stating that, before work commenced on the development, a lighting scheme was to be agreed with the Local Planning Authority.


Representations in support of the development were received from a representative of the Education department. She confirmed that the proposal would fill a vital gap in York’s educational provision for young people between leaving school and College. It was confirmed that the building could not be moved further away from the site boundary, as this could affect drainage and other services. The Police Architectural Liaison Officer had wanted the school site as open as possible to allow for passive surveillance, as two large buildings close together would create dark corners, which he wanted to avoid.


Cllr Hill, as Local Member, reported the comments of the Fishergate Planning Panel they indicated that they hoped that all the existing boundary fencing would be replaced by new and that the existing playground surfacing could be used for paths in the adjacent nature reserve. They were concerned that the temporary widening of the road could impact on the sensitive green triangular area in front of the site and the close proximity of the cycle sheds to an oak tree.  


Officers confirmed that access to the site was via a narrow road so some enabling work would be required to cut into the grass banks. The Council’s Tree Officer had originally had concerns regarding damage to trees but details of these works were now to be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority prior to commencement. Following construction work the contractor would then be required to return the area to its original condition within one month.


Certain Members expressed concern that at one point the new building was only 20.5 metres from the rear elevation of one of the neighbouring properties on Maple Grove when the Authority normally sought a minimum of 21 metres.  Officers confirmed that there were no guidelines to state that there should be a minimum of 21 metres but that the Authority normally required this distance between facing windows and 10.5 metres between facing window and a blank wall but that it did depend on the type of development proposed amongst other factors.


RESOLVED:That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and subject to the addition of the following:  


1.            Prior to the building hereby approved coming into use details of any scheme of illumination for all external areas of the site shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and those details implemented on site.


Reason:  To protect the living conditions of nearby residential properties and to prevent light pollution.


2.            The site shall be developed in accordance with the proposals shown in the Sustainability Statement dated 13th October 2006 and the development shall achieve an excellent or very good BREEAM assessment standard upon its completion.


Reason: To ensure that the development is sustainable and accords with Policy GP4A of the draft City of York Local Plan incorporating the 4th set of changes or any document subsequently replacing this document.


3.            No work shall commence on site until the applicant has secured the implementation of a programme of archaeological work (a watching brief on all ground works by an approved archaeological unit) in accordance with a specification supplied by the Local Planning Authority.  This programme and the archaeological unit shall be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before development commences.


Reason:  The site lies within an Area of Archaeological Importance and the development will affect important archaeological deposits which must be recorded during the construction programme.


4.            The use of the buildings hereby approved shall cease by 9pm and the site be entirely vacated by 10pm Monday to Friday and shall not be used at all on Saturdays, Sundays or Bank Holidays.


Reason. To protect the living conditions of local neighbours, in particular the residents of Maple Grove from undue noise and disturbance late at night and at weekends.


Notes to Applicant


 1. NB: Any concrete removed from the existing playground in order to make way for the development hereby approved should be re-used elsewhere on this site or elsewhere in the local vicinity in connection with the construction of footpaths / footways or any other suitable construction operation. Please check with the Local Planning Authority beforehand  to ensure that any such work does not require planning permission.



REASON:                 In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to design, impact on neighbours, sustainability, protected trees and impact on the highway network. As such the proposal complies with Policies GP1, GP4a, NE1, T5 and ED1 of the City of York Draft Local Plan (Incorporating the 4th set of changes) approved April 2005.

Supporting documents:


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