Agenda item

15 Moor Lane, Haxby, York. YO32 2PQ (13/00455/FUL)

Erection of bungalow to side. [Haxby and Wigginton] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application by Mr Jacob Verhoef for an erection of bungalow to side.


In their update to Members, Officers stated that;


·        The applicant had submitted drainage details, but these had yet to be approved by the Flood Risk Management Team.

·        That the applicant would have to demonstrate that surface water could be adequately drained before development commenced.

·        That they still had concerns about sight lines from the private access, and suggested a condition be added to restrict height, if the application was approved.

·        That Council Highways Officers raised no objections to the access and egress arrangements to and from the site.


Representations in objection were received from a neighbour, Doctor Allan Harris. He objected to  the application on the grounds of  flooding, particularly given that the development site would be below the existing road  level. He also added that previous flooding had affected his garden and 15 Moor Lane. Finally, he felt that the proposed building would be intrusive, and that sight lines and safety would be detrimentally affected.


Representations in support were received from the applicant’s agent, Chris Dent. He informed the Committee that the owner of the property had not been seriously affected by flooding, because he had not made an insurance claim due to flood damage. He also clarified that there was a difference of one metre in height between the between the driveway of the house and other properties.


Some Members felt that the application should be refused because;


·        Both sides of Moor Lane were subject to flooding due to the height of the water table.

·        The application would constitute overdevelopment, because the building would take up one third of the available space on the site.

·        It would be difficult to turn around to access and exit the property due to a rise in the road from the property, the traffic travelling at high speeds on Moor Lane would not ease this.

·        The dwelling would be incongruous to the local surroundings.


Officers advised Members that as a previous application on the site had been refused by the Committee, new reasons for refusal would be deemed inappropriate. They recommended that if Members were minded to refuse the application that they use the same reasons that were used on the previous application.


RESOLVED:       That the application be refused.


REASON:  (i)      It is considered that the proposal would result in a development that would appear unduly cramped and out of proportion in relation to the size and shape of the plot, resulting in a development that would be incongruous in its surroundings. The proposal would thus unduly affect the visual appearance and amenity of the area, contrary to policies H4a, GP10 of the City of York Draft Local Plan andadvice within section 7 'Requiring Good Design' of the National Planning Policy Framework.


(ii)        Insufficient drainage details have been submitted to show how foul and surface water generated by the proposal would be properly attenuated and how flood risk from all sources to the development itself and to others will be managed. The development therefore conflicts with policy GP15a of the Draft Local Plan and the Council's adopted Strategic Flood Risk Assessment.




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