Agenda item

Beetle Bank Farm, Moor Lane, Murton, York, YO19 5XD (13/00363/FULM).

A major full application by Ms Angela Serino for use as a farm and a farm-based visitor attraction with erection of agricultural building, amenity building and associated car parking and facilities. [Osbaldwick Ward] [Site Visit]



Consideration was given to a major full application by Ms Angela Serino for the change of use of a farm to a mixed use comprising of a working farm and farm based visitor attraction with the erection of an agricultural building, amenity building and associated car parking and facilities.


 Officers circulated an update to the committee report. The update covered the following points:


·        Officers recommended changing the description of the development as follows, to make it more specific and therefore more tightly controlled:

‘Use as an open farm with erection of agricultural building, ancillary amenity building, car parking and associated facilities’.

·        An objection from Julian Sturdy MP had been received on behalf of a constituent. He acknowledged the benefits of the proposal to the rural environment but raised concerns about the impact upon local residents, traffic along Moor Lane and the impact upon the rural character of the area. (A full copy of the letter attached to the online agenda).

·        In response to objectors disagreeing with the Highways Officers comments, a further response was circulated at the meeting (attached to the online agenda).

·        The amenity building would be ancillary to the open farm and therefore not authorised for any other use. However, for the avoidance of doubt, a condition was recommended that prevented the building being used for anything else.


Members queried with Officers the reason for changing the description of the application. It was confirmed that it would  make it clear that the application referred to a farm and not a visitor attraction loosely based on a farming theme.


Professor Waddington, a Local Resident, spoke in objection to the scheme. He advised that traffic levels were a real concern for the residents of Murton and he feared that the application would cause a further increase. He also raised concerns about the impact on the openness of the Green Belt. In addition he had concerns about the hours of operation of the farm, the lack of a business case, the impact of lighting and drainage.


Angela Serino, the applicant, spoke in support of the scheme. She advised that in order for the farm business to continue to be viable, expansion at the site is necessary. In the past two years the farm had started to breed piglets and hens and had seen the addition of a Barn Owl Manor and the creation of various wildlife habitats and ponds. She urged Members to approve the application so she could continue her work.


Isobel Waddington spoke on behalf of Murton Parish Council to advise that in 2007 a traffic census had been carried out and since then levels had increased. The vehicular access to the site was a cause of concern as she considered the turning too tight,  which could cause a vehicle to veer into the opposite lane.


Councillor Warters spoke as Ward Member in objection to the application. He considered the proposed buildings inappropriate and too harmful to the Green Belt. In addition he raised concerns about the impact of lighting from the site on the surrounding area. He referred to policy V1 of the Local Plan which states that visitor related development should be accessible by Public Transport and disputed that the application was suitable for buses due to the narrow roads.


Members queried If additional conditions on lighting and use of the amenity building could be attached. Officers confirmed these would be acceptable.


Councillor Watson moved retention of the original description of development. This was seconded. When put to the vote, this amendment was lost.


Following further discussion it was:


RESOLVED:                That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the committee report and the following additional conditions:



Condition 9 – The approved amenity building shall only be used in connection with the use of the land as an open farm and for no other purpose.


Reason – To preserve the openness of the green belt by preventing inappropriate development that would conflict with the purposes of including land within it, in accordance with national planning policy guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework.


Condition 13 – Prior to commencement of development details of external lighting shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details.


Reason – In the interests of adjacent occupiers, the openness of the green belt and the character of the area.



REASON:                     In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the local economy, impact on the green belt, visual appearance, sustainability, neighbour amenity, drainage, landscaping, access and nature conservation. As such the proposal complies with the National Planning Policy Framework and policies GP1, GP4A, GP9, GP15A, V1 and NE7 of the City of York Local Plan.

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