Agenda item

Interim Report of the Domestic Waste Recycling Task Group

Members are asked to consider the Interim Report of the Domestic Waste Recycling Scrutiny Review.


Consideration was given to the Interim Report of the Domestic Waste Recycling Task Group.  It was noted that the work that had been carried out in respect of objectives 1 and 2 of the review had been reported to the Community Safety Overview and Scrutiny Committee and that the focus was now on objective 3 – to gather evidence on the effectiveness of the initiatives scheduled for this financial year.


Officers were asked about the work that was planned to take place.  They drew attention to the work programme timetable 2013/2014 that had been circulated and explained the measures that would be in place to evaluate the impact of the strategies.


Discussion took place around the following issues:


(i)           Control Groups


Officers confirmed that control groups, comprising of properties of a similar profile, would be in place.  Members suggested that it would be advisable if the control groups were not adjacent to the properties in which the strategies were being implemented to ensure that they were not influenced by other factors in the locality.


(ii)          Use of Socio-Demographic Profiling Data


It was noted that Southampton Council had used socio-demographic profiling data to establish the commitment to recycling.  Officers stated that they had given consideration as to whether similar information could be used in this way in York but it had been ascertained that the cost would be around £5k.  It was, however, intended to use some of the data that was available to support the work that was taking place.


(iii)        Support for Residents


Members asked about the arrangements that were in place to support the elderly and disabled in recycling.  Officers explained that estate workers or local representatives, including members of the public, may be able to assist in such cases.


(iv)        Incentive Schemes


Discussion took place regarding the possible use of incentive schemes.  It was noted that some Local Authorities had used strategies such as prize draws, a smartcard scheme, shopping vouchers and thank you letters as a way of encouraging recycling.


(v)         Kerbside Separation


Officers explained the benefits of kerbside separation, including being better able to benefit from market conditions.  It was noted that any change to this arrangement would necessitate long-term planning as it would have implications in terms of vehicle purchasing.


(vi)        Food Waste


It was noted that a Business Plan was to be prepared on Food Waste.  This could provide an opportunity for scrutiny to have input in shaping the plan.


(vii)      Next Steps


Consideration was given to the next steps in progressing the review.  The following arrangements were agreed:


·        The timetable to be updated to include details of the control groups and to be circulated to Members by the end of May 2013.

·        If possible, the information to be backdated to include data on the position prior to the strategies being implemented.

·        For each of the strategies listed on the timetable, a line graph be drawn up (one line to indicate collection rates in the properties targeted and one line to indicate collection rates in the control group).

·        The spreadsheet to be circulated to Members of the Task Group on a monthly basis.

·        The Task Group would next meet in September/October 2013 to consider the data that had been collected.

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