Agenda item

Attendance of Deputy Leader - End of Year Update

The Deputy Leader will attend the meeting to provide an end of year update.



The Deputy Leader attended the meeting and presented her report, attached to the agenda. She provided an informative update of the work undertaken in her portfolio area together with details of ongoing projects and future goals.


In addition to the report the main points raised were:


Democratic Services


Council Chamber

Following the installation and use of the new Council Chamber audio system, at the last Council meeting in March, a couple of issues had been arisen. These would be attended to prior to the next meeting.


Membersphere App

Work was on going with this new app which would provide information for members in one place and was shortly due for testing by members.


Electoral Services


Postal Voter signature refresh

As the newly collected postal voter signatures could not be used on a permanent basis and would require a refresh every 5 years, there was a need publicise this fact and the future arrangements.


Mansion House

Important work on the Mansion House was now progressing to provide heating etc. There was no date scheduled for this work however when work commenced this would require closure of the house for a short period of time.


Members questioned a number of points including:

·        Receipt of additional funding for the Police and Crime Commissioner elections and reference to the low election turnout. Confirmation that funding had been received to assist however this had not contributed to the core costs. The final accounts for this election were shortly due for publication.

·        Mansion House updating costs. Confirmation that grants and other bids were being examined to assist with costs however this investment would allow further opening of the house providing further income streams.

·        Results of the Local Government Boundary Commission review. Confirmation that the outcome of the review was imminent.

·        Postponement  of  the Scrutiny Work Planning Event owing to lack of uptake. Further dates would follow shortly. In answer to Members questions it was confirmed that political proportionality applied to all scrutiny committees’ however if there were no objection by all Council members scrutiny committees could have a different make up.

·        National Local Democracy Week, the need to publicise all events at an early stage to increase attendance. Members encouraged to feed in any ideas for events etc.

·        Acoustics in some meetings rooms in West Offices and need for microphone provision. Confirmation that Facilities Management were in the process of purchasing portable microphones for use at meetings.

·        Meeting room signage for hearing loop system when in use.

·        Questioned which Committee had oversight of the Mansion House accounts. Need to ensure any profit generated was used correctly. Confirmation that the Mansion House/Guildhall budgets overlapped with the Mansion House exceeding its previous years income target which also appeared to be the case for the current year. Any profit was used to increase the Mansion House sinking fund with a contribution made to the running costs of the house. The Cabinet Member confirmed that she would include details of the Mansion House accounts in her 2014 update.


The Cabinet Member was thanked for her report and attendance at the meeting. She confirmed that any additional comments or questions should be sent to her direct.


RESOLVED:       That the Deputy Leaders end of year update report be received and noted.


REASON:           To update the Committee on ongoing work in this area and provide scrutiny of the portfolio.       


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