Agenda item

Archbishop Holgate's School, Hull Road, York, YO10 5ZA (13/00293/FULM)

Two storey classroom block, relocation of cycle stores and replacement car park. [Hull Road] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full major application by Archbishop Holgate’s School for a two storey classroom block, relocation of cycle stores and a replacement car park.


In their update to Members, Officers reported that a response had been received from Highways Network Management.


They commented that large areas of the site had been used for car parking and that there was a large under utilised cycle shelter. In their opinion the reasons for the low take up of cycling in the 11-16 year age group was due to; insufficient perceived security,  inefficient access (having to dismount at the gate), lack of promotion and having no set targets in the their existing travel plan. In addition the uncovered cycle spaces at the front of the school were heavily used as they were overlooked and because Sixth Formers were able to cycle through the school grounds to this parking area.


Officers informed Members that a number of revisions had been made to the application to improve the number and position of cycle spaces relocated by the new school building such as;


·        The position of the cycle shelter would be moved to be alongside the new building, to provide a better relationship to the new building and natural surveillance.

·        CCTV would be provided to cover the shelter, and a new section of path would connect to the existing access path

·        The access gate to this part of the site would be locked at the end of school hours to provide better security.

·        Permission would be granted for cyclists to use the path from the gate without having to dismount.

·        There would be an additional 208 cycle spaces in addition to the existing 96 cycle spaces.

·        The School Travel Plan would state that further spaces be made available in the future should there be a demand.

·        That the proposed marked out car parking spaces satisfy CYC’s Annex E Parking Standards.


It was reported that Highways Network Management would have no objections to an amended scheme subject to conditions ensuring the implementation of the cycle and car parking proposals and submission of a travel plan.

Members were informed that an objection to the application had been received from Sport England (SE) which remained concerned about the loss of grassed areas. SE suggested that the school’s tennis courts could be used for overflow car parking. Members were also informed that if they were minded to approve the application as a result of SE’s objection the application would have to be referred to the Government Office to decide whether the application would be called in to be determined by the Secretary of State.


In questions to Officers, some Members asked whether the proposals constituted an overprovision of cycle spaces. In response, Officers stated that the level of provision would be appropriate since the enlarged school would be expected to actively promote cycling to school and a significant uptake could be anticipated.


Representations were received from John Stone, the School Project Manager. He reported that the area which Sport England were objecting to the use of as a car park, was currently used as high jump and long jump pitch. He added that the school were happy to resite the cycle racks, and explained that there were not as many students using bikes to come to school as many parents viewed Hull Road as dangerous. Members were informed that attenuation tanks had been introduced at the site as part of  development   in 2009 to reduce surface water run off, and that car parking spaces for staff had been minimised.


In response to questions from Members, the School’s Project Manager reported that there was a small car usage amongst students and that there was a subsidised bus service to transport the students.


During discussion some Members felt that although there had been significant problems with flooding in the local area last year, that they felt that the school’s flood management plan was sufficient to deal future situations.


RESOLVED:       That the application be approved subject to referral to Government Office.



REASON:           In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to :-


Policy background/ development principle, Design and landscape considerations, Traffic, highways and access issues, Playing field provision, Drainage, Sustainability, Impact on Residential amenity, Crime Prevention. As such the proposal complies with Policies ED1, GP1, GP4a of the City of York Development Control Local Plan and advice in the National Planning Policy Framework.


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