Agenda item

Update from the Children and Young People's Champion

This report provides the Group with an update on the work undertaken by the Champion and recommends that they request further information on certain aspects of the Council’s work in this area.


Members considered a report which provided an update on the work undertaken by the Children and Young People’s Champion and gave recommendations that they requested further information on certain aspects of the Council’s work in this area. The Officer highlighted an error in the report in paragraph 2 that Galtres School should not have been included in the lsit.


The Voice and Influence Coordinator summed up the report and stated that young people had voiced that they would like more of the following:-


  • Things to do and places to go
  • Discounts on leisure and travel
  • Relationship between Young People and the Police


The Officer said she had a meeting next week and it looked like they were making progress regarding travel costs for young people and had probably found a way forward regarding this. They were also looking into whether the YoZone Card could be extended to 16 and 17 year olds and could be better advertised and easier to obtain.


The Officer commented that the issues surrounding ‘Why young people get a ‘bad press’ in the community’ (point 9 in the report) were very realistic. It was hoped that an upcoming awards ceremony on 29 November 2006 would go someway to showing young people in a positive light and recognising their contribution to communities.


The Children and Young People’s Champion spoke to Members regarding his recent visits to various schools in York. He had attended ‘Speak Out’ and The Young People’s Question Time. He reported that many common themes were raised by the young people in the schools that he had visited such as access to drinking water, condition of school toilets, lack of soap and toilet paper, and cleanliness of the toilet blocks in general. Young people had also said that they would like more information about gap year provision.


The Children and Young People’s Champion commented on the different approaches individual schools had taken to his visit and commented that some were more welcoming than others. He mentioned that he was now approaching the next stage of visits and was in the process of setting up new appointments; especially with Primary Schools.


At this point Councillor Vassie joined the meeting.


The Children and Young People’s Champion indicated that young people thought that communication was a significant problem. There were plans to set up a website but this had now been put back but it was hoped that web links would be in place by April 2007. He also mentioned that during the ‘Speak Out’ it was hard to differentiate between the voice of the young people and the of the voice of those that worked with young people.


The Children and Young People’s Champion raised the fact that young people were keen to have a dedicated Housing Officer who was very sympathetic and could help them at all stages of housing applications.


Members discussed that the report did not say how many of the issues would be dealt with and there were only a few recommendations. They highlighted the importance of ensuring the issues raised were addressed. The issue of the effectiveness of School Councils was raised and discussed.


It was suggested that Young People could help design the website and a report be prepared looking into the issues surrounding this.


RESOLVED: (i)         That the report and comments above be noted.


REASON:      To ensure the involvement of young people in the life of the City.


(ii) That a report be requested from the relevant Officers on the work that is being done towards establishing discounted travel for 16 and 17 year olds across the City.


REASON:      To respond to the issues raised by young people in discussion with the Champion.


(iii) That a report be requested from the Equalities Team on young people’s representation on the Social Inclusion Working Group.


REASON:      To ensure the involvement of young people in the life of the City.


(iv) A Forward Plan/Action Plan be produced, to include:


·        Housing Advice specifically aimed at young people

·        School toilets and provision of drinking water at school

·        Police liaison with young people

·        Communication with young people

·        School Councils and their effectiveness


REASON:      To respond to issues raised in the report.


(v) That a report be brought to the Working Group on the current situation in the development of the web-site which will be able to inform young people and families of the services available across the City. This report to be included on the Forward Plan.


REASON:      To respond to issues raised by Members and young people.

Supporting documents:


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