Agenda item

Attendance of Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture & Tourism - Update on Priorities and Challenges

The Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture & Tourism will be attending the meeting to provide a progress update on her priorities and challenges for this municipal year and to discussher priorities and challenges for 2013/14.


[The Cabinet Members update has been attached to the agenda following the production of the minutes]



The Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism was in attendance at the meeting to provide a progress update on her priorities and challenges for the current municipal year and to discuss her priorities and challenges for 2013-14.


Prior to the meeting, she had circulated a document to Committee Members  which listed the key areas of activity that she had progressed over the last year in relation to the following areas within her remit: Sport and Active Leisure; Arts Culture and Heritage; Tourism; Libraries; and Parks and Open Spaces. (A copy of this update has been published online with the agenda)


Members raised concerns that many people had been disappointed by parts of last year’s Illuminating York display, particularly the Vic Reeves Wonderland in the Museum Gardens. The Cabinet Member accepted that some complaints had been received but noted that was the case every year as art was very subjective. She confirmed it had been a financially successful event, enjoyed by many, and advised that the event had raised enough income to support next year’s celebrations.


Members accepted that the proposal for the library service to be run by a social enterprise was a possible way forward but expressed fears that the large budget cut would lead to a reduction in services and redundancies, with paid staff being replaced by volunteers. The Cabinet Member advised it was the only way forward to ensure no deterioration of the current excellent service provided in York. She confirmed that the work of volunteers was valued, that staff were being consulted on future plans, and that a business plan was being prepared which would be considered by Cabinet in due course.


The Cabinet Member stated that the Reading Cafe in Rowntree Park was proving very successful and was used by many community groups.


Members raised concerns that no consultation had taken place with local residents before work commenced on the removal of the hedge in Hull Road Park. The Cabinet Member explained that officers were responsible for deciding on the programme of works needed and explained that it was council practice to replace inappropriate planting with more appropriate species. Officers confirmed that the decision to remove the hedge had been made as part of a programme to improve the environment. Members also ueried the use of volunteers to support York’s parks and open spaces, and were advised that meetings with friends and community groups were being arranged to look at ways in which the council could support them to take more ownership of their local parks and open spaces.


Members queried the giving of a grant to the Arts Barge, without a Service Level Agreement (SLA), and the reduction  in grant to York Theatre Royal where the council had an SLA. Officers explained that the grant to the Arts Barge was from the Economic Infrastructure fund, and was about providing jobs and opportunities, rather than increasing the city’s  cultural diversity.


Members raised concerns about an article which had been published in the York Press regarding the suspension of a York Busker’s permit following a dispute about the sale of CDs, and suggested it may be worth looking at the issue of street trading again. The Cabinet Member advised that was a licensing issue and the busker in question had received a warning letter from the licensing unit.


In view of issues last Christmas around the Christmas lights in Stonegate, Members asked what plans had been made for this year’s display. The Cabinet Member advised that she had talked to traders in Stonegate and they had agreed to the replacement of the yellow lights with a similar type of lights to those in Parliament Street. For 2013, it was also hoped that the Christmas lights display would be extended to include Lendal, Blake Street and possibly Micklegate.



RESOLVED:             That the update from the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Culture and Tourism be noted.


REASON:                  To ensure that Members are kept informed of work within the remit of the Committee.

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