Agenda item

Recommendations of the Cabinet on the Council's Capital Programme Budget for 2013/14 to 2017/18, the Financial Strategy 2013/18 (including the Council's Detailed Revenue Budget Proposals for 2013/14 and 2014/15) and the Council's Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators for 2013/14 to 2017/18

A       Petition


To debate the following petition signed by 1,167 people:


 “We call on the City of York Council to:


·                    Introduce an EMA-style grant for college students in the area

·                    Make the grant available to all college students with no means-test


The Educational Maintenance Allowance has been scrapped by this Government.  This will leave many college students in York without the funds to travel to college, buy books and resources, or food.  Similar EMA style payments have been reintroduced in two London Boroughs. This shows that there is the money to pay for EMA if we stand up and fight for it.  Youth Fight for Jobs and Education believes that EMA could be brought back in York as well – it is evident from council expenditure in certain areas.  £2.5m is being spent on consultancy firms to “find out how to better manage funds in the future”, this alone would pay for all students to have EMA (£30 per week) at York College with £1,476,640 to spare (based on student numbers 2010/11).”


In accordance with the Council’s current Petitions Scheme, Members will debate the above petition and will take it into account when considering and setting it’s under mentioned budget.


B       Recommendations from Cabinet, 12 February 2013


To consider the recommendations made by the Cabinet, at their meeting held on 12 February 2013, in relation to:


a)      The Council’s Capital Programme Budget for 2013/14 – 2017/18

b)      The Council’s Revenue Budget proposals for 2013 to 2018 and

c)      The Council’s Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators for 2013/14 – 2017/18


These recommendations are set out in the attached report and will be moved by the Council Leader.



The original budget reports to Cabinet, on which their recommendations are based, were circulated to all Members on 4 February 2013 and can be found on the Council’s website, here:


A       Petition


Members debated the following petition, which had been signed by 1,167 people:


 “We call on the City of York Council to:


·                    Introduce an EMA-style grant for college students in the area

·                    Make the grant available to all college students with no means-test


The Educational Maintenance Allowance has been scrapped by this Government.  This will leave many college students in York without the funds to travel to college, buy books and resources, or food.  Similar EMA style payments have been reintroduced in two London Boroughs. This shows that there is the money to pay for EMA if we stand up and fight for it.  Youth Fight for Jobs and Education believes that EMA could be brought back in York as well – it is evident from council expenditure in certain areas.  £2.5m is being spent on consultancy firms to “find out how to better manage funds in the future”, this alone would pay for all students to have EMA (£30 per week) at York College with £1,476,640 to spare (based on student numbers 2010/11).”


The Lord Mayor stated that the petition would be taken into account when Members debated the budget proposals.


B       Recommendations from Cabinet, 12 February 2013


Councillor Alexander moved, and Councillor Simpson-Laing seconded, the recommendations of the Cabinet, as set out in paragraphs 35 to 37 of the report at page 10 of the Council papers as follows, in relation to:


a)      The Council’s Capital Programme Budget for 2013/14 – 2017/18

b)      The Council’s Revenue Budget proposals for 2013 to 2018 and

c)      The Council’s Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators for 2013/14 – 2017/18


“Capital Budget

35.Cabinet recommends that Council;

             i.        Agree to the revised capital programme of £176.709m, that reflects a net overall increase of £48.381m as set out in paragraph 30 table 10 and in Annex A ‘budget amendments’ column of the Cabinet report). Key elements of this include:


a.   Extension of prudential borrowing funded Rolling Programme schemes totalling £3.365m including the IT development fund as set out in paragraph 10 table 2 and summarised in paragraph 27 table 9;

b.   Creation of 2 new prudential borrowing funded Rolling Programme schemes totalling £1.500m as set out in paragraph 14 table 3 and summarised in paragraph 27 table 9

c.   New  schemes totalling £3.585m including an increase in prudential borrowing of £3.185m as set out in paragraph 16 table 4 and summarised in paragraph 27 table 9;

d.   New externally funded schemes totalling £25.974m as set out in paragraph 18 table 5 and summarised in paragraph 26 table 9

e.   An increase in HRA funded schemes totalling £13.957m funded from HRA balances of £13.957m as set out in paragraph 19 table 6 and summarised in paragraph 27 table 9.


            ii.        Approve the full restated programme as summarised in Annex A totalling £176.709m over financial years 2013/14 to 2017/18 as set out in paragraph 30 table 10 of the Cabinet report.


Revenue Budget

36.    Cabinet recommends that Council

a.   approve the budget proposals outlined in the Financial Strategy report, in particular

                                         i.    The net revenue expenditure requirement for 2013/14 of £127.778m

                                        ii.    The revenue growth proposals as outlined in the body of the Cabinet report

                                       iii.    The revenue savings proposals as outlined in Annex 2 of that report.

                                      iv.    The fees and charges proposals as outlined in Annex 3 of that report.

                                        v.    The housing revenue account proposals set out in Annex 4 of that report.

                                      vi.    The dedicated schools grant proposals set out in Annex 5 of that report.

b.   Note that the effect of approving the income and expenditure proposals included in the recommendations would result in a 1.9% increase in the City of York Council element of the council tax.

Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators


37.       Cabinet recommends that Council approve;

a.   The proposed treasury management strategy for 2013/14, including the annual investment strategy and the minimum revenue provision policy statement

b.   The prudential indicators for 2013/14 to 2017/18 in the main body of the Cabinet report

c.   The specified and non specified investments schedule (Annex B to the Cabinet report)

d.   The scheme of delegation and the role of the section 151 officer (Annex D to the Cabinet report)”

Conservative Amendment

Councillor Gillies then moved and Councillor Steward seconded, an amendment to the above recommendations on behalf of the Conservative Group, as follows:

“Capital Budget


In relation to the Cabinet’s recommendations on the capital budget (paragraph 35 of page 10 of Council papers refers), under paragraph 35 (i), insert new sub paragraphs:


(f) ‘Make available the existing EIF funds provisionally earmarked for the Digital Media and Cultural Centre project (an indicative £1.4m) and allocate for the investment in the general development of the Guildhall to ensure effective continued use of the building subject to satisfactory business case being developed.’


 (g) ‘Within the revised Capital programme of £176.709m create a fund of £1m per annum for a programme of works for Basic Road Maintenance totalling £4m over a 4 year period (13/14 – 16/17). This to be funded by re-profiling schemes contained within the EIF programme (specifically Newgate Market and Reinvigorate York) to make available EIF funding of £850k per annum (covering the financial years 13/14 – 14/15) with £150k per annum (covering the financial years 13/14 – 14/15) being allocated from the existing LTP funds contained in the Capital Programme, and allocate £1m of EIF per annum (covering the financial years 15/16 - 16/17)’


Revenue Budget

In paragraph 36 (i), sub paragraph (a), second line, delete ‘£127.778m’ and replace with ‘£126.478m’


In sub paragraph (b) add at the end of the sentence ‘subject to the following amendments;

·        an additional £50k to reinstate the budget related to green waste that was removed in 2012/13

·        an additional £40k to reinstate rubbish bins removed from service during 2012/13

·        an additional £17k to refill salt bins that are empty following the related 2012/13 budget saving’


In sub paragraph (c) add at the end of the sentence ‘subject to the following amendments;

·        Add new proposal to reduce cabinet members by three to save £44k

·        Add new proposal to reduce union facility time by £50k

·        Add new proposal to remove uncommitted budget related to the Delivery and Innovation Fund to save £737k

·        Add new proposal to remove the commitment to fund the Innovation & Catalyst programme to save £165k

·        proposal CAN06 be reduced by £66k to remove the park attendant reorganisation in Parks & Open Spaces in order to ensure parks are locked at night

·        proposal CANS33 be reduced by £29k to ensure that opening hours at Towthorpe HWRC are maintained at their current times

·        Removal of  proposals:

o   CANS103 – Waste services green waste policy £200k

o   CSTS03 – Parking income £175k’


In paragraph 36 (ii), second line, delete ‘1.9%’ and replace with ‘0%’.  Insert new text after ‘City of York Council element of the council tax’as follows ‘resulting in the Council being able to accept the Council Tax Freeze Grant of £763k.’


Then, insert additional paragraph 36(iii) as follows:


(iii) approve the carry forward of £118k of unspent funding from the Delivery and Innovation Fund in 2012/13 into 2013/14.


On being put to the vote, the above amendment was declared LOST.


Liberal Democrat Amendment

Councillor Runciman then moved, and Councillor Reid seconded, an amendment on behalf of the Liberal/Democratic Group.

“Capital Budget


In relation to the Cabinet’s recommendations on the capital budget (paragraph 35 of page 10 of Council papers refers), under paragraph 35 (i), insert new sub paragraphs:


(f) ‘The abolition of the Economic Infrastructure Fund to be replaced with the Future York Fund.  The Future York Fund will in 2013/14 pay for previously committed schemes related to Park & Ride and the Better Bus Fund as well as £260k in road improvements.  Other capital schemes previously in the EIF (specifically Newgate Market, Reinvigorate York, the Arts Barge and the Digital Media and Cultural Centre) will be removed.’


(g) ‘£150k in 2013/14 being allocated from existing LTP funds contained in the Capital Programme and allocated to a Safer York Accident Reduction programme.’


Revenue Budget


In relation to the Cabinet’s recommendations on the revenue budget (paragraph 36 of page 11 of Council papers refers):


In paragraph 36 (i), sub paragraph (a), second line, delete ‘£127.778m’ and replace with ‘£126.478m’


In sub paragraph (b) add at the end of the sentence ‘subject to the following amendments;

·        an additional £50k to reinstate the budget related to green waste that was removed in 2012/13

·        an additional £40k to reinstate rubbish bins removed from service during 2012/13

·        an additional £17k to refill salt bins that are empty following the related 2012/13 budget saving

·        an additional £150k to reinstate the budget related to waste rounds that was removed in 2012/13

·        an additional £300k to reinstate budget to facilitate the reduction of the Fair Access to Care Services criteria back to ‘Moderate’

·        an additional £100k to reinstate the budget related to gully cleaning that was removed in 2012/13

·        an additional £10k to reinstate the budget related to winter maintenance that was removed in 2012/13

·        an additional £54k to reinstate budget related to ensure, in conjunction with the reversal of saving proposal CANS33 below, that increased charges for brick, rubble, bonded asbestos and gas cylinders can be avoided

·        an additional £25k to reinstate the budget related to target hardening that was removed in 2012/13

·        an additional £120k to increase the Ward Committees budget

·        an additional £240k to be allocated to a programme of road resurfacing

·        an additional £275k for the creation of a Community Fund

·        an additional £50k for investment in carbon reduction and recycling work

·        an additional £50k for investment in local business innovation

·        an additional £10k for investment in Youth Services

·        removal of the £200k recurring proposal to increase the level of the general reserve

·        removal of the £200k recurring proposal to increase general contingency

·        an additional £104k of one-off funding to increase the general reserve to its minimum acceptable level of £6,400k.’


In sub paragraph (c) add at the end of the sentence ‘subject to the following amendments;

·        Add new proposal to remove uncommitted budget related to the Delivery and Innovation Fund to save £737k

·        Add new proposal to abolish the Quality Bus Contract to save £232k

·        Add new proposal to remove the commitment to fund the Innovation & Catalyst programme to save £165k

·        Add new proposal to reduce union facility time by £50k

·        Add new proposal to reduce cabinet members by two to save £29k

·        Add new proposal to remove the Council Leader’s personal assistant to save £30k

·        Add new proposal to remove the base budget contribution to general reserves to save £250k

·        Add new proposal to remove a portion of the base budget contribution to general contingency to save £50k

·        Removal of proposals:

o   CAN09 - Allotments  £10k

o   CANS09/118 - Smarter York - Community Delivery £186k

o   CAN03/04/05 - Smarter York - Grass Cutting £38k

o   CAN12 - Community Centres £40k

o   CAN42 - Cultural & Learning Services £200k

o   CAN17 - Library Services £50k

o   CANS45 - Smarter York £34k

o   CAN47 - Parks & Open Spaces - Roles £25k

o   CANS54/60 - Neighbourhood Management Unit £81k

o   CAN10 - Street Cleansing £48k

o   AA01a - Fair Access to Care Services (FACS) - Substantial £160k

o   CANS33 - Waste Services - HWRC £75k

o   CANS103 - Waste Services - Green Waste £200k

o   CANS31 - Waste Services - Waste Rounds £150k

o   CANS19/20 - Highway Infrastructure £185k

o   CES102 - Planning Consultation £10k.’


In paragraph 36 (ii), second line, delete ‘1.9%’ and replace with ‘0%’.  Insert new text after ‘City of York Council element of the council tax’as follows ‘resulting in the Council being able to accept the Council Tax Freeze Grant of £763k.’


Then, insert additional paragraph 36(iii) as follows:


(iii) Approve the creation of a new income line in the budget of £1,681k to match uncommitted New Homes Bonus funds from the abolished Economic Infrastructure Fund.


Then, insert additional paragraph 36(iv) as follows:


(iv) Approve the creation of a Better York fund which contains the following proposals:


·        Committed revenue schemes previously associated with the Economic Infrastructure Fund (Tour De France, Living Wage, Financial Inclusion, Officer Delivery, Promoting York and Targeting Growth) - £1,139k

·        Contribution to the general reserve - £104k

·        General contingency budget - £200k

·        Community Fund - £275k

·        Road resurfacing programme - £240k

·        Waterworld growth item - £160k

·        Carbon reduction and recycling work investment - £50k

·        Investment in local business innovation - £50k.”

On being put to the vote, the above amendment was declared LOST.


At this point in the meeting the guillotine was due to fall.  It was moved by Councillor Healey and seconded by Councillor Levene that the guillotine be extended to allow for debate on the green amendment and upon the original motion.  The motion was lost and the Chair proceeded to put the remaining business as prescribed by Standing Order 1.3.  The remaining motions and amendments were deemed moved and seconded and were voted on without debate.


Green Amendment


“Capital Budget


In relation to the Cabinet’s recommendations on the capital budget (paragraph 35 of page 10 of Council papers refers), under paragraph 35 (i), insert new sub paragraph (f):


(f) ‘Allocate from the revenue element of the Economic Infrastructure Fund, the following:

·          £300k for developing a business plan for a renewable energy company

·          £235k to support the development for a city wide evening and weekend bus service

·          £35k to develop a sustainable food strategy for York.’


Revenue Budget


In relation to the Cabinet’s recommendations on the revenue budget (paragraph 36 of page 11 of Council papers refers) :


In sub paragraph 36(i)(b) add at the end of the sentence ‘subject to the following amendments;

·        An additional £35k to fund an Energy Efficiency and Fuel Poverty officer

·        An additional £45k to fund a Waste Minimisation officer and associated costs for policy development related to the waste hierarchy.’

In sub paragraph 36(i)(c) add at the end of the sentence ‘subject to the following amendments;

·        Add new proposal to remove a portion of uncommitted budget related to the Delivery and Innovation Fund to save £202k

·        Add new proposal to remove the commitment to fund the Innovation & Catalyst programme to save £165k

·        proposal CAN06 be reduced by £66k to remove the park attendant reorganisation in Parks & Open Spaces in order to ensure parks are locked at night

·        Removal of:

o   CANS42 – Cultural and Learning Services £200k

o   CAN09 – Allotments £10k

o   CAN110 – Environmental Protection Unit £11k”



Councillors D’Agorne and Taylor left the meeting at this point.


The Green amendment, on being put to the vote, was declared LOST.


The original motion, on being put to the vote, was then declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED:       That the Cabinet recommendations in respect of

the Capital Programme, Financial Strategy and Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Prudential Indicators be approved.

Supporting documents:


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