Agenda item

Oliver House, Bishophill Junior, York, YO1 6ES (12/03598/FULM)

Change of use from elderly peoples home (Use Class C2) to offices and workspace and erection of single storey front and rear extensions.  [Micklegate Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a major full application (13 weeks) from Ms Angela Portz for the change of use from an elderly people’s home (use class C2) to offices and workspace and the erection of single storey front and rear extensions.


Officers advised that since the committee report had been written, further responses in respect of the proposal had now been received from Micklegate Planning Panel, the conservation officer and the Conservation Area Advisory Panel.


Micklegate Planning Panel raised no objection in principle but expressed concern in respect of the design of the extension on the front elevation and the proposed introduction of parking on the front Bishophill Junior street elevation.


Design, Conservation and Sustainable Development had expressed concern in respect of the loss of landscaping and introduction of car parking on the Bishophill Junior street elevation and in respect of the design of the proposed ground floor extension on the main street elevation and whitewashing of the ground floor. They felt this  would draw attention to the building within the wider streetscape and would be alien to the treatment of adjacent buildings.


York Conservation Area’s Advisory Panel raised no objection in principle to the proposal but expressed concerns in relation to the proposed treatment of the Bishophill Junior elevation of the building which they felt would draw attention to it as well as increasing the need for and cost of maintenance. Concern was also expressed in relation to the loss of landscaping and introduction of car parking along the Bishophill Junior elevation.


Officers advised the Committee that the applicant had now amended the application details to remove the parking area from the Bishophill Junior frontage of the site. They recommended that Members consider additional conditions which would require the applicant to submit a travel plan for approval and also submit details of bin and cycle storage for approval.


Representations were received from Angela Portz, Chief Executive of York Council for Voluntary Services in support of the application.

·         local support groups have suffered from issues around unsuitability of space and uncertainties over tenure in respect of current locations.

·         22 groups are interested in using the building.

·         This project supports the voluntary sector who play an important role in supporting vulnerable people through early intervention.

·         Proposals will enable more people to be supported through community based resources and will enable groups to share costs, procurement and back offices services

·         Proposals provide office accommodation and flexible spaces for delivery of services

·         We have worked closely with 22 organisations and have acquired detailed info on their requirements to ensure internal space can be configured to best use. 

·         Proposals will bring new life to area – with other voluntary organisations based close by, it will bring approx 40 charities together in this part of the city – creating a kind of voluntary quarter


In response to a query as to whether parking would be adequate, she cited Priory Street as an example of limited parking and explained that people make other travel plans if parking is not available. She suggested that Oliver house could work on same level and pointed out that Nunnery Lane car park and the railway station were both close by and there were a number of disabled spaces at Priory Street.


Representations were received from Charlotte Hudson, the agent, in support of the application. She made the following remarks.

·         Reconfiguration of the internal layout of the building, and locating a new stair and lift core in the centre of the building would provide more useable space.

·         Two new extensions would enable the areas to be linked and allow a more generous and welcoming entrance area.

·         Polycarbonate cladding has excellent thermal properties, is lightweight, fire and impact resistant, translucent, simple and elegant.

·         Propose to retain 6 parking bays, plus 2 wheelchair

·         Cycle parking will be available for staff and visitors


Members acknowledged that the choice of materials for the front extension had raised some interest and stressed that it was important that the front extension was of high quality.


With regard to a query regarding possible future uses of the building, officers confirmed that change of use to office use was consistent with the area.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and the additional conditions below:


Additional Condition

The site shall not be occupied until a Full Travel Plan has been submitted and approved in writing by the LPA. The travel plan should be developed and implemented in line with local and national guidelines. The site shall thereafter be occupied in accordance with the aims, measures and outcomes of said Travel Plan.


Within 12 months of occupation of the site a first year travel survey shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the LPA. Results of yearly travel surveys shall then be submitted annually to the authority's travel plan officer for approval.


Reason: To ensure the development complies with advice contained in local and national transport and planning policy in order to ensure adequate provision is made for the movement of vehicles, pedestrians, cycles and other forms of transport to and from the site, together with parking on site for these users.


Additional Condition

Prior to the commencement of the development hereby authorised full details of the proposed bin and cycle storage areas including precise location, materials and height shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall thenceforth be undertaken in strict accordance with the details thereby approved.


Reason:- To safeguard the residential amenity of the adjacent property, to safeguard the character and appearance of the Historic Core Conservation Area and to comply with the terms of Policies GP1 and HE3 of the York Development Control Local Plan.


REASON:                  The proposal, subject to the conditions listed in the report and the additional conditions above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to impact upon character and appearance of Historic Core Conservation Area and loss of a community facility. As such the proposal  complies with Policies HE2, HE3,C3 and E4 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan.


Supporting documents:


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