Agenda item

Agricultural Building Lying to the East of Gardenia, Malton Road, Stockton on the Forest, York. (12/01667/FULM)

Retention of unit 1 as a car wash, retention of units 3 - 12incl., 13 to 16 incl. and unit 18 for B2/ B8 industrial/storage use retention of units 20 - 34 for B8 storage use. Demolition and replacement of existing building for B2/B8 use (part retrospective unit 19), retention and provision of  car parking to serve the site and provision of area for external storage of agricultural equipment. [Strensall] [Site Visit]


Members considered a major full application by Mr Ian Parker for the retention of unit 1 as a car wash, retention of units 3-12 incl. 13 to 16 inc. and unit 18 for B2/B8 industrial/storage use, retention of units 20-34 for B8 storage use. Demolition and replacement of existing building for B2/B8 use (part retrospective unit 19), retention and provision of car parking to serve the site and provision of area for external storage of agricultural equipment.


In their update Officers reported that an amendment needed to be made to Paragraph 4.30 of the Officer’s report because the site was not on mains drainage for foul sewage but was served via septic tanks. They also reported that a plan had been submitted by the applicant which showed the position of soakaways which would take surface water from the buildings and hard areas to distribute the water on to the adjacent field, which was within the applicant’s ownership. It was noted that this arrangement had previously been used when the site had been under agricultural use. The plan would also mean that if the application was approved that no additional drainage conditions would need to be added to permission. Officers also informed the Committee that in their view the proposal was appropriate within the green belt as for the most part it related to the re-use and conversion of existing buildings.


It was also recommended that further amendments be made to conditions on landscaping, parking and the removal of all materials and hardstanding. They also added that if Members were minded to approve the application that conditions be added in relation to the car parking layout, the storage of agricultural machinery and the use of the site and deliveries to the site.


RESOLVED:       That the application be approved with the following amended and additional conditions;


2.      Within 3 months of the date of this permission there shall be submitted in writing to the Local Planning Authority a detailed landscaping scheme which shall illustrate the number, species, height and position of trees and shrubs on the northern, southern and eastern boundaries within the site area. This scheme shall be implemented within the first planting season following the approval of the scheme.


          Any trees or plants which within a period of five years from the completion of the development die, or are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of a similar size and species, unless alternatives are agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:       So that the Local Planning Authority may be satisfied with the variety, suitability and disposition of species within the site to enhance the setting of the buildings in this Green Belt location.


3.                  Within 3 months of the date of this permission the car park layout shown on drawing no, PAR-251-02 10 rev B  shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority and thereafter there shall be no parking of vehicles anywhere else within the site without the prior written approval of the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:       To ensure the adequate provision of car parking facilities for each unit within the site and to protect the visual amenity of the Green Belt.


4.                  Within 3 months of the date of this permission all materials and hardstanding located in the area edged blue to the east of the application site shown on the attached plan shall be removed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority and the land thereafter be kept clear of all materials associated with the approved use on the application site.


Reason:       The land is  a relatively open area of Green Belt, and its use for industrial storage is considered to be inappropriate and detrimental to visual amenity of the area.


9.                  Areas of existing car parking to be removed as part of the car parking layout shall be treated in accordance with a scheme and within a time scale to be submitted and agreed by the Local Planning Authority in writing within three months of the date of this permission.


Reason:       In order to protect the visual amenity of the Green Belt.


10.                The area shown for the storage of agricultural machinery and equipment on the approved plan and identified in green on the attached plan shall only be used for the storage of agricultural machinery in association with the applicant’s agricultural activities and for no other purpose.


Reason:       In the interest of the visual amenity of the Green Belt.


11.                The use hereby permitted shall be restricted to 07:00 to 21:00


Reason:       To protect the amenity of neighbouring residents.


12.                All deliveries to and from the site shall be confined to the following hours:


                     Monday- Sunday 7:00 am to 21:00


Reason:       In the interests of the amenity of adjacent residential properties.



REASON:           In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed in the Officer’s report, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the principle of the development including the consideration of the appropriateness of the development in the Green Belt having regard to openness and the purposes of including land within the Green Belt design and landscape, highways and parking arrangements, sustainability, drainage and flooding, contamination and residential amenity. As such the proposal complies with Policy YH9 and Y1C of the Yorkshire and Humber Plan, policies GB3 and GP1 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan and Government policy contained within paragraphs 79-92 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

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