Agenda item

Country Park, Pottery Lane, Strensall, York. YO32 5TJ (12/03229/FUL)

Retention of existing building and installation of non mains drainage system. [Strensall] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application by Miss Raquel Nelson for the retention of an existing building and the installation of a non mains drainage system.


In their update to Members Officers stated that a response had been received from the Environment Agency who did not object to the proposal. It was also noted that the applicant had received discharge consent to a water course in relation to the proposed package treatment plant.


Members were also informed that objections had been received from a local resident and Strensall Parish Council. These objections related to the impact of the outfall from the beck onto the local surface water drainage pattern, the capacity of the treatment plant and the size of the proposed amenity building.


Officers suggested that if Members were minded to approve the application that an informative be added, that approval should be sought from the Foss Internal Drainage Board if there were any material increases in discharges from the site to the adjacent water course.


Representations in objection were received from John Chapman of Strensall Parish Council. He raised concerns over the use of the amenity block as an office all year round, the location of the chemical toilet bins on the site and foul drainage discharge into the adjacent stream.


Officers confirmed that the caravan site and the office building would be open for 10 months of the year, but that the office would be open for all year round to take bookings. In response to a Member’s suggestion to condition the hours of use of the office building to 9-5, Officers suggested that this condition would only be viable if the Committee could demonstrate that there would be harm caused by the use of the building outside of these hours.


Representations in support were received from Alistair Dalton, the applicant’s Drainage Consultant. He informed Members that the drainage system had been designed in accordance with  guidelines received from the Environment Agency. He confirmed that there would be no increase in foul drainage into existing watercourses.


Further representations were received from Councillor Wiseman, who had called in the application for consideration by the Committee. She questioned how the proposed drainage system would work, and how the site would operate successfully with an increase in touring caravans if the amenity building was reduced in size. In her opinion, although the Environment Agency had granted consent for a package treatment plant, they were solely concerned about drainage issues rather than the discharge of foul water into the watercourse. She also felt that the change of use for the amenity block into an office building constituted inappropriate development in the Green Belt.


In response to concerns raised by the speakers Officers advised that there was no stipulation as to the standard of amenity provision that was required, and this was largely a commercial consideration. Regarding the discharge of water from the site, it was noted that following a previous application, the Foss Internal Drainage Board had suggested the use of a package treatment plant, which the applicant was now proposing.


RESOLVED:       That the application be approved.


REASON:           In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed in the report, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the impact upon the open character and purposes of designation of the Green Belt and impact upon the local surface water drainage pattern. As such the proposal complies with Policy YH9 and Y1C of The Yorkshire and Humber Plan, policies GB1, V5 and GP15a) of the City of York Development Control Local Plan and Central Government advice contained within paragraphs 79 - 92 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

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