Agenda item

Public Participation/Other Speakers

At this point in the meeting members of the public who have registered to speak can do so.  The deadline for registering is 5.00pm on Monday 11 February 2013.  Members of the public can speak on agenda items or matters within the remit of the committee.


To register to speak please contact the Democracy Officer for the meeting, on the details at the foot of the agenda.



It was reported that there had been two registrations to speak at the meeting under the Council’s Public Participation Scheme, and that eight Members of Council had requested to speak on a number of agenda items as follows:


5. Forward Plan


Cllr Warters expressed concern that the strategy on tethered horses was to be considered at a Cabinet Member Decision Session that was due to be held in private. 


6.  2012-13 Performance and Finance Monitor 3


Cllr Reid expressed concern that although Beckfield Lane Recycling Centre had been closed, the proposed savings had not been achieved.


9. Financial Strategy 2013-2018


Andrea Dudding, spoke on behalf of Unison in particular in relation to saving referred to in the report at CANS02/16 - Culture, Events & Festivals, CANS 42 - Cultural & Learning Services and CANS17 - Library Services.  She expressed concern at proposed cuts to expenditure on libraries, arts and culture and requested that Members reconsidered this proposal taking into account the impact that it would have on tourism, jobs and the economy.  Concerns were also expressed at cuts to the library service at a time when the city archives were being developed.  She drew attention to the recommendations of the Fairness Commission.


Heather McKenzie also spoke on behalf of Unison commenting generally on the proposed cuts.  She stated that, whilst recognising the financial pressures under which the proposals had been made, she was concerned at the outsourcing of care provision and the implications that this would have on terms and conditions and standards of care.  Concerns were also raised in respect of social enterprise.  She urged that procurement policy incorporated support for the staff concerned.   Concerns were also expressed at the short timescale for consultation but assurances were given that the union would continue to work with the council to mitigate job losses.


Cllr Warters raised concerns regarding the proposed increase in council tax and cuts to services.  He stated his concerns regarding the proposed allocation of funding for the expansion of Osbaldwick Gypsy Caravan Site and sought clarification as to whether the funding referred to on page 108 of the agenda papers included provision for the prosecution of those responsible for unlawful horse tethering.


Cllr D’Agorne stated that he appreciated the difficulties caused by the cuts to local government funding and supported the decision not to accept the government grant available to councils that did not increase council tax.  He stated that he was, however, concerned about the privatisation of council services in areas such as libraries, elderly people’s homes, looked after children, warden call and cleaning and security services.  He stated that he could not support libraries and archives being delivered by an organisation outside of the council.  Although social enterprise could be beneficial it should not be used as a cost-cutting strategy.  The savings that could be made by using libraries as community hubs could be made in-house.  He stated that he was also concerned at the decision to review staffing in older people’s homes and questioned the morality of the TUPE process.


Cllr Steward, referring to paragraph 72 of the report, paid tribute to the work carried out by parish councils and gave reasons as to why some had increased their precept.  He stated that criticism of increases in these cases were unfair.  He drew attention to the work of the Community Engagement Task Group and suggested that Cabinet should engage more with parish councils as they were a valuable resource.


Cllr Richardson raised concerns in respect of bus services and the need to ensure that the services met the needs of residents, particularly the elderly and young people.


12.  Discretionary & Mandatory Business Rate Relief & Discounts


Cllr Steward stated that there was a need to consider the implications on streets such as Micklegate when putting in place policies and procedures for dealing with Business Rate Relief and Business Rates discounts. 


13.  Waste Services – Service Delivery Options 2012/13 and 2013/14


Cllr Doughty expressed concern at a reduction in hours at the household waste recycling centres and the impact that this could have, for example an increase in fly tipping.


Cllr Reid stated that residents did not support a charge for the collection of green waste and that this may result in some residents using grey bins or fly tipping.  Whilst consultation was welcomed, there had been no indication as to the level of charges.  She urged that consultation also take place with the users of Towthorpe and expressed her fears that a reduction in hours of opening may be the first step towards the closure of this facility.  Concerns were also raised regarding the proposed arrangements in respect of the disposal of brick rubble.  Cabinet’s attention was drawn to the written comments from the Liberal Democrat Group that had been circulated prior to the meeting.


14.  Review of City and Environmental Services

Cllr Healey, referring to the reference in the report that the directorate “having already gone three reviews in recent years” queried whether such reviews should be considered across all directorates.  Referring to the reference in the report to the use of “specialist external resources to support the Director in delivery of the change in structure”, Cllr Healey suggested that the Authority should now have built up its own capacity to carry out such work.  He stated that he supported the recommendations in paragraph 30 of the report.


15.  Get York Building


Cllr Warters stated that the bringing forward of key development should not be on greenfield sites.


Cllr Doughty stated that there had been a crisis in house building for some time and he was pleased that this was now being recognised by Cabinet.  The proposals were, however, too feeble to stimulate development.  He stated that he would like to see brownfield sites being used ahead of greenfield.  He stated that the proposed 5% reduction in the affordable housing target was unlikely to have the necessary impact and he proposed a reduction of 10% in circumstances when there were ten or more properties.  This could be a temporary arrangement and be subject to review.


Cllr Barton drew attention to the need to tackle homelessness.  He expressed concern at the cancellation of meetings of the Local Plan Working Group and of the targets that had been set in respect of affordable housing.   He expressed concern at the fall in housing building in York and the performance of the city when compared with national figures.  He stated that the proposals in the report were not sufficient to address the situation and that Cabinet needed to be braver in its actions and in respect of the targets that it had set. 


Cllr Richardson stressed the need to put strategies in place to help young people to access suitable housing.


16.  Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2013 to 2043

Cllr Healey drew attention to issues in respect of the housing revenue account projections.  He queried how the council’s expenditure against income compared with other councils.  He questioned whether it was prudent for the house building to be for a five year period only and stated that he had sought information from officers as to whether the council had the land available to support this development.


19.  York a Sustainable City Tackling Fuel Poverty

Cllr Healey questioned why this item had been included as a late item after the agenda had first been published.  He also expressed concern that the report did not include deliverable actions or budgetary information.



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