Agenda item

Work Plan

Members are asked to consider the committee’s work plan.


Consideration was given to the Committee’s work plan.  The following issues were considered:


(i)           CCTV


A verbal update was given on the situation in respect of CCTV.  It was noted that, at this stage, officers were not carrying out a review of CCTV but consideration was being given to the possible remit for such a review.  The Chair reported that she had met with the Director of City and Environmental Services who had suggested a number of possible areas for scrutiny review in the new municipal year, which included CCTV.   Members expressed their concern at the delay in implementing a review of CCTV but agreed to invite the Director to attend their meeting in April 2013 to discuss his ideas for possible future topics.


(ii)          Domestic Recycling Task Group


It was noted that the final report of the Domestic Recycling Scrutiny Review was due to be presented at the meeting on 12 March 2013.  The Chair of the task group stated that the final report was not likely to be completed by that date.  It was agreed that an update on the situation would be emailed to Members following the meeting.


(iii)        Internal Drainage Boards


Following discussions that had taken place under agenda item 4 – “Surface Water Management” (minute 36 refers), consideration was given as to whether the committee should carry out a review in respect of Internal Drainage Boards, particularly in view of the funding allocated to the boards by the council.  It was agreed that a review of  this topic was unnecessary.


(iv)        Commercial Waste Recyling


Consideration was given as to whether it would be worthwhile to carry out a scrutiny review on issues around the recycling of commercial waste.  Members suggested that more could be done to encourage businesses to recycle.   Members requested that officers be invited to attend their meeting on 12 March 2013 to provide the committee with information on the pros and cons of introducing commercial waste recycling, to inform their consideration of this possible topic.  


(v)         Signboards and Posters


The Chair drew the committee’s attention to the number of commercial signboards and A-boards that were present in parts of the city, citing Clifton Green as an example.  The Chair had been informed that the Highways Department would only take enforcement action if signage was obstructing the highway.   The Chair suggested that this may be a suitable topic for review and agreed that, at the next meeting, she would  provide the information she had gathered. 


RESOLVED:       That the committee’s work plan be updated to include the following agenda items:

·        12 March - verbal update on the Domestic Recycling Scrutiny Report (as the final report will not be completed)

·        12 March - Verbal briefing from officers on the recycling of commercial waste

·        12 March – briefing on A-Boards

·        23 April – Director of City and Environmental Services to be invited to attend the meeting to talk about issues including CCTV.  (To be invited to attend the meeting on 12 March if unable to attend on 23 April).


REASON:            To ensure that the committee has a planned programme of work in place.



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