Agenda item

Update Report: Re Provision of the Travellers and Homeless Medical Service in the City of York

This report provides an update to the York Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, about the recommissioning of the Primary Medical Services (PMS) Homeless service in York.


Members received an update report regarding the recommissioning of the Primary Medical Services (PMS) Homeless Service in York. John Keith from NHS North Yorkshire and York was in attendance to present the report and answer Members’ questions.


Members raised a number of questions about the report which included;


·        What were the shortfalls in the robustness of current service that were referred to?

·        How would homeless people and travellers find out about a change in the provision of services, would it be signposted clearly and who would carry out this signposting?

·        How would the new service provider ensure that potential  homeless or traveller patients did not miss the opportunity to register with a GP?

·        How would the new service deal with capacity issues such as an increase in patients who had sudden lifestyle changes, and ensure that those who needed to access the service would do so?


In response to the question about the shortfalls in the robust nature of the existing service, Members were informed that this referred to the current situation. If a member of the PMS team, such as a Practice Nurse was unavailable, then a replacement could often not be found. This would then mean that tasks such as dealing with patients’ dressings would not be carried out.


Regarding the question about information provided to patients about the commissioning changes it was reported that the GP service would now provide information to homeless people and travellers, through directing them to their nearest GP practice. It was reiterated that existing services would not be taken away, but that the proposals were to change the method of delivery for these services.


It was highlighted however, that many GP surgeries would not take on new patients without a fixed registered address, which meant that homeless and traveller patients had difficulties registering with a practice.


In relation to a question about capacity to take on new patients, Members were informed that there would be a greater amount of capacity as under the new proposals, the specific services for homeless people and travellers would not be located in solely in one GP practice.


Reference was made to a recommendation arising from a previous scrutiny review into the PMS service, in that it should continue and be strengthened. It was felt that the provision of medical services to travellers and the homeless population continued to raise concerns, and that further monitoring should take place.


Other Members agreed and suggested that a report be brought to the Committee by the Director of Public Health, which looked at how medical services had been provided in the past, identified what issues had arisen and were still existing. They added that the report should contain a plan to monitor progress and issues around provision of the Travellers and Homeless Medical Service. The Chair suggested that this report be brought to the Committee in either March or April 2013.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the report be noted.


(ii)      That a report from the Director of Public Health evaluating and monitoring the provision of travellers and homeless medical services be considered by Members at a future meeting in March or April 2013.


REASON:                     In order to keep the Committee informed of the provision of medical services for the traveller and homeless communities in York.









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