Agenda item

11 Poplar Street, York, YO26 4SF (12/03192/FUL)

Erection of two storey detached dwelling to side [Holgate Ward] [Site Visit].


Members considered a full application from Mr Jim Hargreaves for the erection of a two storey detached dwelling to the side.


Officers provided an update on the application. They advised that four objections had been received, including two from local residents and two on behalf of Poppleton Road Memorial Hall. These raised concerns that existing parking problems in the area would increase, there would be a loss of off-street parking, an increased demand for on-street parking and access for large vehicles would be more difficult.


One of the residents also raised concerns about the loss of sunlight/daylight and the overlooking of adjacent houses and gardens. In addition, Cllr Alexander had objected on behalf of a local resident.


With regard to access and parking, officers advised that the site is occupied by a single domestic garage with a substandard driveway that is too short to accommodate a parked car. The vehicle crossover would be removed as a result of the development and the adjacent footway/kerb made good.  Therefore there would be no net change in the amount of car parking available.  The only issue would be the increase in the demand for parking due to the creation of the extra, modest (2-bedroom) house.  The surrounding area is not subject to any residents parking scheme. The adjacent highway is protected by existing restrictions in key locations to ensure that vehicle flow and visibility are maintained.  Network Management consider that the car parking associated with the proposed and existing properties can be accommodated on-street without detrimental impact.


Officers advised that Network Management have asked that standard condition HWAY17 (removal of redundant crossing) be included if planning permission is to be granted and confirmed that they supported this request.


Officers stated that the committee of Poppleton Road Memorial Hall have asked Network Management to consider introducing parking restrictions on Poplar Street, adjacent to the hall, due to the impact and nature of the traffic generated by the hall’s activities. The proposed restrictions do not appear to relate to this planning application as the development would not affect the existing arrangements currently in place in this area. They advised that if the hall committee would like to pursue this request they should write to Network Management and ask for Poplar Street to be included in their review of parking restrictions in the area.


With regard to neighbour amenity, officers advised that sunlight and daylight were covered in the report.  All of the proposed windows face front and rear so would not overlook adjacent houses.  The only part of the house that could cause overlooking is the side wall of bedroom 2.  It is unlikely that the applicant would insert a window in this elevation.  Nevertheless, condition 5 in the report would prevent such a risk by removing permitted development rights for external alterations.


Representations were received from Mr David Nunns on behalf of Poppleton Road Memorial Hall in objection to the application due to the loss of parking and likelihood of additional parking. He stated that over the last 20 years he had seen an increase in the number of cars in Poplar Street and Oak Street and parking on Poplar Street had become more difficult. Although many local residents walk or cycle to work, their vehicles are left on the street during the day and delivery lorries have problems accessing the street. He stated that money has been spent upgrading the memorial hall and that the hall uses on street parking to supplement its parking needs but that they have lost some weekly bookings due to problems with parking. He expressed the view that the application would be detrimental to the amenity of the hall and what will be left of 11 Poplar Street.


Members noted that the plot was small but agreed that York needed more small starter homes. They acknowledged that parking was at a premium in this area and this development would provide the need for one further parking space but that this needed to be balanced against the need for extra homes. They did not consider that this application would have an undue effect on the memorial hall.


RESOLVED:       That the application be approved subject to a Section 106 Agreement, subject to the conditions listed in the report and the additional condition below.


Additional Condition

The development shall not commence until the existing vehicular crossing not shown as being retained on the approved plans has been removed by reinstating the kerb and footway to match adjacent levels.


Reason: In the interests of good management of the highway and road safety.


REASON:            The proposal, subject to the conditions listed in the report and the additional condition above, and the Section 106 agreement, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to housing provision, visual appearance, flood risk, neighbour amenity, sustainability, cycle storage and provision of open space. As such the proposal complies with the National Planning Framework and policies GP1, GP4a, GP10, GP15a, H4a, T4 and L1c of the City of York Local Plan.


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