Agenda item

32 Lawrence Street, York (12/02609/FULM).

A Major Full Application for the demolition of existing car showroom and erection of 3, 4 and 5 storey high blocks of student accommodation comprising 244 bedrooms within 43 clusters together with associated external works. [Fishergate Ward] [Site Visit].



Members considered a major full application, submitted by Mr. Richard Lockey, for the demolition of an existing car showroom and the erection of 3, 4 and 5 storey high blocks of student accommodation comprising of 244 bedrooms within 43 clusters together with associated external works.


Officers circulated a Committee update (a full copy of which has been published with the online agenda for the meeting) the main points of which were:

·        Correction at paragraph 1.2 which should read ‘grade 1 listed building and scheduled ancient monument not area of archaeological importance.

·        An amended plan had been received in response to concerns about the design.

·        There had been 4 further objection letters following re-consultation on the original plans.

·        Details of an additional condition regarding mechanical ventilation to address air quality concerns.

·        Information on the Statement of Community Involvement and a possible Operational Management Statement.


Members then went on to question the officers on a number of points including:

·        The provision of air quality management and whether the suggested condition would form a basis for further negotiation with the applicant. Officers confirmed this to be the case.

·        The noise associated with mechanical air quality management and if the noise was considered a problem for potential tenants.

·        Confirmation that the height of the development would not cause residents of Tannery Mews to be overlooked.

·        Clarification of how the £48k open space provision would be spent.


Councillor Taylor spoke as Ward Councillor. He advised that he had mixed views about the scheme. He confirmed he was happy to see a sustainable development but had concerns regarding the proximity of the student blocks to Alms Houses and Tannery Mews although he acknowledged that there had been some improvements made to the mass of the proposed buildings. The key document would be the Management Plan and he welcomed the suggestion of 24 hour management and car park control.


Councillor Warters spoke in objection to the scheme. He advised that there is already a large student accommodation block on Hull Road at the old Dairy site and he objected to the principle of any further off campus site which allows the University to escape its obligations to provide on site accommodation. He felt that the condition of such buildings deteriorates quickly and urged the applicant to amend the scheme to provide flats for the residents of York. If approved he asked that similar conditions to that of the dairy site be considered.


The applicants agent spoke in support of the scheme, in particular to highlight the changes made to address the Planning Inspectors concerns. He advised that the open space provision had been increased by 20% and there had been a reduction in bed spaces. The proposed buildings are to be set back further as to not detract from the setting of St. Lawrence Church.


Following further discussion, Members agreed that the scheme was an improvement on the previous submission and welcomed the addition of accommodation for students which is in addition to that being provided by the Universities.


RESOLVED:                That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and the following additional condition:


                                      Unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority (LPA) all windows to habitable living spaces (bedrooms and living rooms) of Block A, facing Lawrence Street, shall be non-opening.  Mechanical ventilation shall be provided to draw clean air from the rear of the building.  Prior to the commencement of the development or within such longer period as may be agreed in writing with the LPA details shall provided of a maintenance schedule for such ventilation systems, and clarification of the responsibility for running costs and maintenance works. Thereafter the details of the scheme shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the LPA in accordance with the timescales agreed within the scheme.


Reason: To protect the health of future occupants of the proposed development, in an area of poor air quality.


Informative: The requirements of condition 36 are based on on-going air quality monitoring adjacent to the site. If the applicant wishes to agree alternative or reduced protection to bedrooms and living spaces for the occupants this should be based on survey work carried out by the applicant the method of which should have prior approval of the Environmental Protection Unit.


REASON:                     In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to :-


·        Principle of the development

·        Design including impact on the setting of listed buildings and the conservation area.

·        Landscaping and amenity areas

·        Highways, access arrangements and parking

·        Residential amenity

·        Archaeology

·        Sustainability

·        Open Space

·        Drainage and flood risk

·        Biodiversity

·        Crime Prevention


As such the proposal complies with Policies ED10, GP1, GP4a, L1c, HE2, HE10,  of the City of York Development Control Local Plan.




Supporting documents:


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