Agenda item

Proposed Wind Turbine at Grid Reference 466532 445234, Crockey Hill Road, Wheldrake York (12/02998/FUL)

This application seeks planning permission in respect of land at OS Grid Ref 466532 and 445234 at Crockey Hill Road, Wheldrake for the erection of a single 50kW wind turbine with a hub height of 25 metres. [Wheldrake] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application for the erection of a 25m high (hub height) 50kW wind turbine.


Representations were received in objection to the application were received from a local resident. He raised comments regarding road safety on the adjacent road to the site, in that he felt that danger would be increased due to drivers being distracted by the wind turbine. He also felt that the level of noise from the turbine would be detrimental, and pointed out that the speed of the blades turning would need to be measured over a year in order to correctly measure the noise levels.


Further representations in objection were received from another local resident. He felt that the application should be refused because it did not make a significant level of energy contribution. He also felt that the approval of one turbine would set a precedent for others in the local area.


Representations were received in objection from an adjacent neighbour. He felt that the turbine would affect his visual amenity due to the close distance of it to his property. He also felt that insufficient details had been provided in the noise survey, particularly in relation to the existence of persistent prevailing winds.


Representations in support were received from the applicant’s agent. She felt that the application should be approved because the Council should be proactively supporting applications that helped to reduce climate change. She felt that the noise emitted by the turbine were within the lowest guidelines for turbines, she also added that in her opinion, there was no evidence that the turbine would have a detrimental effect on migratory birds. In addition she stated that the turbine was sited in accordance with Natural England guidelines for bird and bat buffer zones.


Further representations were received from Wheldrake Parish Council. They objected to the application on the grounds of visual amenity, in that the turbine would be an industrial structure within a rural landscape and the background noise produced.


Representations were received from the Ward Member, Councillor Barton.

He felt that the turbine would not be aesthetically pleasing, particularly given its location and that although subsidies were given to those people who promoted renewable energy usage that the cost of the subsidy would be paid by the customer on top of their energy bills.


The applicant’s agent was asked by one Member of the Committee if the applicant could use another source of renewable energy. The agent explained that the applicant was restricted in what he could construct in that his land was rented, and was the only one he was resident on.


Some Members felt that if the Committee approved the application that a precedent would not be set, as applications were always considered on their own merits. They also pointed out that it was difficult to site a turbine in a location where it could not be seen by anyone.


Other Members felt that the application should be refused as the turbine, in comparison to ones in other parts of the city where there was not an electricity source, was purely for income generation. They also added that the main issue was not to be against wind turbines, but to ensure that the Green Belt remained in place.


RESOLVED:       That the application be refused.


REASON:    1.    The proposal constitutes inappropriate development within the Green Belt and is therefore harmful to the openness of the Green Belt contrary to Paragraph 91 of the National Planning Policy Framework and Policy GB1 of the York Development Control Local Plan.


                    2.      The proposed wind turbine apparatus by virtue of its scale, design and location would substantially erode the pleasant and tranquil character and visual amenity of the landscape corridor linking Crockey Hill with Wheldrake village, contrary to Policy NE8 of the York Development Control Local Plan.


                    3.      Insufficient information has been submitted with the application to enable a meaningful assessment to take place of the impact of noise generated by the proposed wind turbine apparatus on the residential amenity of nearby properties and the quiet amenity of the adjoining landscape, contrary to Paragraph 123 of the National Planning Policy Framework.            

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