Agenda item

The Determination of an Application by Richard & Tracy Butler for Determination of Application to Vary Premises Licence 35(3)(a) in respect ofThe Red Lion, Main Street, Knapton, YO26 6QG. (CYC-009065)


Members considered an application by Richard and Tracy Butler to vary a premises licence at The Red Lion, Main Street, Knapton, YO26 6QG.


Prior to considering the application, the Licensing Officer informed the Sub- Committee that the application made on 25 August 2006 was carried out by the applicant in accordance with s13nand s17 (5) of the Act and Regulation 42, Parts 2 and 4 of the Licensing Act 2003 (Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) Regulations 2005, which concern the displaying of a notice on the premises and an advertisement in a local paper giving details of the application and serving a copy of the application on all responsible authorities. The applicant complied with all statutory requirements. In addition the relevant Ward Councillors and/or Parish Council were notified by way of register.


Subsequent to that and following consultation with the Planning Authority, a revised drawing was submitted in regard to a planning application currently under consideration. The Licensing Sub-Committee were given an opportunity to review the revised drawing.


After due consideration the Licensing Sub-Committee decided that the revised plan was materially different to the plan originally submitted, having heard from the Applicants and interested Parties. Therefore the decision of the Licensing Sub-Committee was that the Hearing should be adjourned to 11 December 2006 to allow the process of advertising listed above to be repeated and for full consultation on the amended plan to be carried out.

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