Agenda item

York City Art Gallery, Exhibition Square, York YO1 2EW (12/02508/FUL)

First floor extension above south gallery, rear extension including first floor balcony and external stair, roof-mounted plant and enclosure and demolition of single storey timber building to north side of building. [Guildhall Ward] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application from Mr Michael Woodward for a series of works and alterations to the Art Gallery including a first floor extension above the south gallery, rear extension including first floor balcony and external stair,  roof mounted plant and enclosure and the demolition of single storey timber building to the north side of the building.


The Council’s Conservation Architect showed the Committee large scale plans of the site and provided additional information to Members on the proposals and the benefits of the work.  Officers provided a written update for Members and expressed their support for the scheme noting that there were significant benefits for the listed building and confirming the proposals were in line with the National Planning Policy Framework. The made the following points:

·        The internal works overall enhance the architectural and historic aspects of the building

·        There will be social, cultural and economic benefits for the gallery

·        The extensions will enhance the appearance of the listed building


Officers proposed that draft conditions 4 (details of hard landscaping scheme) and 5 (details of enclosure to bin store) of the planning permission be deleted as they are no longer required due to additional information being received.


They stated that revised plans had been supplied which relocate the bin store at the rear of the premises, under the proposed rear addition. There will be no timber screen to the north side of the building. The plans of the rear extension have been modified and the proposed structure would now be in timber (external stair, screen and terrace). It has been confirmed the surfacing along the north alley way is intended to be Yorkstone (as was agreed in the 2011 application for this site)


An image of how the proposed works to the rear of the building would look was circulated to the Committee. Members expressed mixed views regarding the design of the terrace, spill out space and access to gardens, but accepted that this was an architectural statement and like any piece of artwork, some people would like it and others would not.


With regard to plans for the garden area, Members were advised that a permanent garden would be created on the site of the former bowling green and beyond that there would be a less permanent landscaping scheme.


One Member queried whether there was the opportunity to incorporate an enclosed children’s play area, where younger children could play safely, as part of the garden plans as there was almost nowhere else in the city centre for this. The applicant advised that their hope was to be able to introduce playful elements into the garden scheme rather than a dedicated play area.


RESOLVED:      That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and the removal of conditions 4 and 5.


REASON:            The proposal, subject to the conditions listed in the report and the removal of conditions 4 and 5, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the impact on heritage assets and the amenity of surrounding occupants. As such the proposal complies with Policies GP1, HE3, HE4, and HE10 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan.



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