Agenda item

107 Main Street, Askham Bryan, York, YO23 3QS (12/01796/FUL)

Erection of new dwelling after demolition of existing dwelling (resubmission). [Rural West York] [Site Visit]



Members considered a full application from Mr Berks for the erection of a new dwelling after the demolition of an existing dwelling (resubmission).


Officers advised that additional surface water drainage information had been submitted and the Flood Risk Management Team had confirmed that they have no objections to the proposed scheme. However they have requested a condition that the development is constructed in accordance with the details within the drainage report by Survey Site Services. Condition 1 has therefore been revised accordingly and also now includes a revised plan which differs from the one in the report in that the term “sketch” has been removed from the title.


Representations were received from Mrs R Turner, a neighbour, in objection to the application. She raised concerns about the height and depth of the proposed building noting that it would extend beyond the boundary of the existing dwelling. She advised the Committee that she didn’t want it as high at the back as it would block sunlight to her property from the west.


Representations were received from Mr G Berks, the applicant and owner of the property. He expressed his aim to preserve and enhance the character of the village. He explained that since his original application was refused, he had met with planning officers to discuss the reasons for it being turned down and taken these issues into account and had resubmitted plans in April 2012. He advised the committee that there was no single architectural design in the street but that his proposals take account of guidance contained in the Village Design Statement.


Members acknowledged the concerns which had been raised by the neighbour regarding possible loss of sunlight to the back of her property. They accepted that there were many different building designs on that side of the street. They agreed that the proposed building would be an improvement on the design of the existing building, that it would add to the architectural design of the village and would compliment the next door house. They noted that the design would leave sufficient room in between properties either side to maintain views through to open countryside beyond.


RESOLVED:       That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and the amended conditions below:


Amended Condition 1

The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans:-

·        Drawing Number B160/01/01 Revision A received 24 September 2012

·        Drainage Report by Survey Site Services received 31 July 2012;


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the   development is carried out only as approved by the Local Planning Authority.


REASON: The proposal, subject to the conditions listed in the report and the amended condition above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the visual amenity of the building within the streetscene, the impact to the conservation area and its setting, and its impact to the residential amenity of the occupants of the neighbouring dwellings. As such the proposal complies with Policy YH9 and Y1C of The Yorkshire and Humber Plan, policies GP1, HE2, HE5, and GB2 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan and Government policy contained within the National Planning Policy Framework.


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