Agenda item

James Ashton Playing Field, Water End, York. (12/02373/FULM).

A Major Full Application for the Water End Flood Alleviation Scheme, incorporating the following elements:


The construction of a flood wall along the crest of Water End road embankment; construction and operation of a demountable flood defence barrier across the east entrance to Landing Lane from Water End; raising the existing Leeman Road earth flood defence embankment; construction of a new earth flood defence embankment extending from the Leeman Road embankment to Cinder Lane; construction of two flood walls and a ramp at Cinder lane; establishment and use of one main temporary construction compound, two satellite compounds, material storage areas and haul routes; reinstatement of construction working areas; and associated landscaping works. [Holgate Ward] [Site Visit]



Consideration was given to major full application, submitted by Ms Helen Tattersdale, for the Water End Flood Alleviation Scheme, incorporating: construction of a flood wall along the crest of Water End road embankment; construction and operation of a demountable flood defence barrier across the east entrance to Landing Lane from Water End; raising the existing Leeman Road earth flood defence embankment; construction of a new earth flood defence embankment extending from the Leeman Road embankment to Cinder Lane; construction of two flood walls and a ramp at Cinder Lane; establishment and use of one main temporary construction compound, two satellite compounds, material storage areas and haul routes; reinstatement of construction working areas; and associated landscaping works.


Officers presented a Committee update, full details of which have been published online with the agenda for the meeting, the main points of which were:

·        Paragraph 4.19 related to a resident’s concerns regarding access by intruders to her property. The applicant now proposed to discuss possible options to alleviate the concerns.

·        Paragraph 4.12 questioned the need to erect a rail along the top of the flood wall along Water End. The EA had reviewed the need and would confirm their findings in a Public Safety Risk Assessment prior to confirmation of the final design.

·        A request had been made for the deletion of the steps proposed over the embankment at Lincoln Street. The applicant had agreed to replace these with a gradual ramp.

·        It had been recommended that all the above were made a condition of approval.

·        For the avoidance of doubt the end-use proposals for the bowling green and BMX track, post construction, would be agreed in consultation with local residents and groups.

·        The Council’s Countryside Officer had no objections to the proposals.

·        Revisions to the list of plans for approval.


Members went on to question a number of points including:

·        Further information on the ‘demountable’ flood barriers.

·        YNEP’s suggestion of a green bund with underlying concrete structure rather than a brick wall along Water End. Officers confirmation that this was not feasible owing to there being insufficient distance between the road and river.

·        Reassurance that adequate warning would be given by the EA of the need to erect flood barriers on Landing Lane.


Following further discussion, Members expressed their pleasure in supporting the provision of new flood defences for York and in particular for the residents of the Leeman Road area.


RESOLVED:      That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and the following additional and amended conditions:


Amended Condition 2 – The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with drawings 108983-00000/C, 108983-00001/C, 108983-00002/C, 108983-00003/C, 108983-21001/C,108983-21002/D, 108983-24001/D, 108983-24002/C, 108983-24003/C, 108983-80001/A, 108983-80002/A, 23001/C, 23002/C, 23003/C, 23004/C, River Ouse map1-email.mpd, 108983-22001/C, 108983-22002/C, 108983-22003/C, 108983-22004/C, 108983-81001/A, 108983-81002/A, 108983-81003/A, 4.7.5a, 4.7.5b and 4.7.5c


Additional Condition: Notwithstanding the approved plans the following proposed works shall not be erected until details have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.   The works shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted details. 


a.   The replacement wall and railings between Cinder Lane and the properties in Regents Court;

b.   The rail along the new flood wall on the north-west side of Water End;

c.   The pedestrian access ramp across the raised flood embankment at the northern end of Lincoln Street.


REASON:           In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the principle of the use, visual appearance, landscaping, environmental protection and neighbour amenity.  As such the proposal complies with the National Planning Policy Framework and policies GP1, GP9 and NE1 of the City of York Local Plan.


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