Agenda item

Tyree, 97 York Street, Dunnington, York YO19 5QW (12/01840/FUL)

This application seeks planning permission for the erection of four houses within the garden of Tyree at 97 York St, Dunnington. [Derwent] [Site Visit] 


Members considered a full application from MDL Land Ltd and Mrs K Wheater for the erection of four dwellings with associated garages, new site access and a pond extension.


Officers provided the following update.


·        An email has been submitted by Cllr. Brooks outlining her objections to the application.  This was circulated to Members by email and by hard copy at the meeting. It raised the following concerns.

o   Development would have detrimental effect on the character of the entrance to the village.

o   Sub division of gardens is contrary to Dunnington Village Design Statement

o    Development would not respect or enhance 95 York Street nor area which it is proposed to develop

o   Development would not respect form, layout and density of development in the area.

o   It would cause increase in traffic onto York Street at an already difficult junction – moving entrance westward increases the danger of east bound traffic waiting to turn in being shunted from the rear by a vehicle coming over the blind summit of bridge at speed.


·        The Parish Council object to the proposed development on the following grounds:

o   Poor visibility in all directions.

o   The cluster of junction exits which are already in place around the application site makes it unreasonable to add any additional access points, the original enlarged access was reasonable but would impact on pedestrian traffic of the route popular with children going to school.

o   The railway bridge fencing was erected by Dunnington Parish Council, the amended proposals involve disturbing such features yet there has been no advance notice from any party involving the applicant**.

o   A response to this point has been submitted by the applicants.  The response states that the bank in question is within the ownership of the applicants and that the fence line is owned and maintained by the Highway Authority.  Regardless, Officer’s advise that land ownership issues are not a material consideration in the determination of planning applications and weight should not be given to such issues.


·        The Chair of Dunnington Village Design Statement has submitted objections in terms of the proposal being contrary to Policy HE3 and GP10 of the Local Plan as the proposal would seriously detract from the quality, semi-rural undeveloped character, and delightful entrance to the village.  The proposal is a subdivision of a garden which would be detrimental to character and amenity of the environment.


·        Objections have also been raised regarding the access, these objections are along the same lines as objections previously raised and summarised in the Committee Report.  The letter also outlines that the Village Design Statement seeks to preserve open spaces and encourage the retention of larger garden plots.


Officers advised Members that proposed condition requires the development to be a maximum of 8.2m high.  However, for reasons of flood risk the finished floor level of the houses may need to rise a little.  Therefore it is suggested that the maximum height should be 8.6m.  Officers consider that this increase in height would not harm the character and appearance of the area.


Representations were received from the Chair of the Dunnington Village Design Statement in objection to the application. She made the following comments:-


·        Road in front of no 97 falls within the conservation area – the proposed development would materially alter the road.

·        Sub division of garden plots should not be allowed.

·        Concern regarding flooding due to drainage/sewage issues in the area.

·        Concerns over traffic turning into/off York Road from proposed access road. Hold ups could lead to accidents due to blind summit of bridge.


Representations were received from Dunnington Parish Council who circulated a plan to Members at the meeting. He raised concerns over the increasing volume of traffic on York Road and the impact of this on the proposed development. He stated that a speed survey undertaken two years previously had shown that 49% of vehicles were speeding on entering the village and 55% speeding leaving the village over the blind summit of the bridge. He also expressed concerns over drainage on the site.


Representations were received from the applicant’s agent in support of the application. He advised the Committee that this was a small scale, low density scheme. Proposed houses on plots 1-3 would be well away from existing houses and the proposed house on plot 4 would be well screened. Mature landscaping on the site would be retained with additional planting on northern boundary. With regard to the new vehicular access proposed, City of York Highways officers have confirmed this is in accordance with national guidelines.


Discussion took place regarding the choice of location of the vehicular access road onto York Road. City of York Council Highways officers advised that the additional traffic generated would be very low. They acknowledged that there was a perceived safety issue but when sightlines were assessed, the location of the proposed access road conformed with national guidelines.


With regards to foul and surface water drainage on the site and concerns raised over possible flooding, Members noted that proposed condition 7 required details to be provided and approved by the council.


Members accepted that the land was suitable for development although some raised concerns over the layout at end nearest bridge on the grounds that it does not necessarily fit in with existing buildings due to hipped roofs.


They expressed serious concerns in relation to the proposed location of the access road. Members acknowledged that the sightlines adhered to national guidelines however they agreed that there was too great a potential for accidents due the combined effect of the proximity of the proposed junction to the blind summit of the bridge, the fact that traffic does not adhere to speed limits and the effect of the slope. They agreed that further consideration should be given to establishing a safer location for the access road.


RESOLVED:       That the application be deferred to a future meeting.


REASON:           In order that further discussion can take place between council officers and the applicant with regard to establishing  a safer location for the access road.



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