Agenda item

Key Corporate Risk Monitor Quarter 1

The purpose of this paper is to present to Audit & Governance Committee an update on the key corporate risks, and to highlight in more detail any emerging risk issues with a view to members considering any further information they would wish to receive.


Members received a report that presented an update on the key corporate risks, and highlighted in more detail any emerging risk issues with a view to Members considering any further information they would wish to receive. 


The report focused on the risks associated with the changes to Council Tax Support.  Members questioned officers about the impact that the changes were likely to have on collection rates.  Officers confirmed that it was anticipated that collection rates would not be as high as previously, although it was difficult to accurately predict by how much.


Consideration was given to the Directorate Risks in respect of the Office of the Chief Executive and the Adults, Children and Education Directorate.  These were detailed in Annexes A and B of the report.  Officers were in attendance to answer Members’ questions.


Some concerns were expressed that the risks that had been identified were very broad and that more specific and detailed information should be provided.  Officers confirmed that more detailed plans were in place in respect of the risks that had been identified, for example each strand of the Council Plan had its own a delivery plan. The format that had been presented was, however, helpful in identifying whether sufficient mitigating measures were in place.


Members questioned officers on the following issues:

·        The arrangements that were in place to monitor progress, including a red, amber, green rating system.

·        The development of more common approaches to data collection and performance monitoring, including the work of the Intelligence team.

·        The situation in respect of the government policy on academies and the impact that this could have on the council’s budget.

·        The demands of an ageing population in terms of care requirements.  It was noted that consideration was being given to new forms of collaboration and more preventative support.   The implications of “Fair Price for Care” were also noted.  Members commented that it was important that the increasing social care support costs were designated as a key corporate risk.

·        The need to ensure that corporate parenting arrangements were appropriately monitored, including the role of Members.

·        The implications of the “Care and Support” White Paper.

·        The pressures on school places in some parts of the city and the need to ensure that a robust School Organisation Plan was in place and that some of the accommodation that had previously not been required as classrooms was brought back into use for this purpose.


It was noted that Members had not received the information on High and Critical Key Corporate Risks (KCRs) referred to paragraph 2 of the report.  It was agreed that this would be circulated to Members by email following the meeting. 


Members noted that the council had been offered the opportunity to work in partnership with Zurich Municipal to take a fresh approach to the identification and analysis of the critical risks and opportunities currently facing the authority.  This had been undertaken in many other local authorities and would be free of charge.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the risks regarding the changes to council tax support, as detailed in paragraphs 6 to 14 of the report, be noted.


                             (ii)      That the committee noted the proposed opportunity to work with Zurich to refresh the key risks facing the authority.


                             (iii)     That the directorate risk reporting agenda, as set out in paragraph 20 of the report be approved.


REASONS:         (i)      To provide assurance that the authority is effectively understanding and managing its key risks.


                             (ii)      To provide assurance that risks to the council are continuously reviewed and updated.


                             (iii)     To ensure that directorates bring forward updated risk reports providing assurance that risk is being properly managed through 2012/13.

Supporting documents:


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