Agenda item

Tang Hall Library, Fifth Avenue, York (06/01558/GRG3)


Members considered a General Regulations (Reg3) application, submitted by the Department of Libraries and Heritage, for the extension and alterations to the existing library and alterations to the external areas (resubmission) at Tang Hall Library.


Officers updated that a revised plan showing minor alterations to the relocation of car parking spaces and the access had now been received and that Highways had no objections. An additional letter of objection had also been received from a resident of a neighbouring property confirming that their main concern related to the height of the proposed building. They questioned why the building needed to be so high and objected to the close proximity of the building which they felt would lead to a loss of view and shading.


Some Members expressed concern at the height of the building and the need for a blank wall adjacent to neighbouring properties. Officers confirmed that no artificial air conditioning was proposed for the building, that the large north facing high level window would bring natural light into the main area and that the height would assist with the distribution of noise internally. 


Members raised the issue of sustainability and requested that the applicant liaise with the Council’s Sustainability Officer in relation to measures that could be included to improve sustainability which included the possible use of a grey water recycling system.  Members requested feedback on negotiations regarding the height of the building.


RESOLVED:That the Assistant Director (Planning and Sustainable Development) and the Chair be delegated authority to approve the development either on a revised plan to reduce the height of the building by 300mm or to approve the application as submitted subject to the conditions listed in the report and to the following:


  1. The replacement of Condition 2 with


The development hereby permitted shall be carried out only in accordance with the following plans: -


Drawing number THL/010 revision D dated 29 Sept 2006 and received 29 Sept 2006;

Drawing number THL/011 revision A dated 08 Sept 2006 and received 11 September 2006.


or any plans or details subsequently agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority as amendment to the approved plans.


  1. The addition of the following Condition


Notwithstanding the information contained on the approved plans, the height of the approved development shall not exceed 5.7 metres to highest part of roof and 4.7 metres to highest part of parapet wall as measured from existing ground level and 5.4 metres to highest point of roof and 4.4 metres to highest part of parapet wall as measured from the proposed raised ground level.  Before any works commence on the site, a means of identifying the existing ground level on the site shall be agreed in writing, and any works required on site to mark that ground level accurately during the construction works shall be implemented prior to any disturbance of the existing ground level. Any such physical works or marker shall be retained at all times during the construction period.


  1. The addition of the following informative



The applicant should consult with the Council's Sustainability Officer prior to finalising drawings or commencing work on site to include measures to address the sustainability of the development, including the investigation of using a grey water recycling system.


REASON:                 In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to visual amenity, residential amenity, parking provision and highway safety, crime prevention and sustainability.  As such the proposal complies with Policies GP1, GP3, GP4a, GP9, GP11, T4 and C1 of the City of York Draft Local Plan (incorporating 4th set of changes, 2005).

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