Agenda item

Ward Committee Funded Schemes 2012/13

To formally agree the schemes to be funded through the Ward Committee for 2012/13 (to view the schemes for the ward go to


The Ward Members were asked to agree the schemes to be funded through the Ward Committee for 2012/13.


The Neighbourhood Manager explained that funding has been split into  three pots:


·     Ward Budgets:  Each ward has an allocation to use as grant funding to commission local voluntary and community organisations to meet identified needs.

·     Other Voluntary Sector Support:  Funding to support those voluntary sector organisations that provide services to more than one ward and that are currently forced to apply for a plethora of individual ward committee grants.  It is not intended that this fund would be open to Council services such as Street Sport; however, it is proposed that in the first year only, whilst the Ward Credits pot is being established, Council services are allowed to bid.

Your Consortium won the tender to administer the schemes according to the Council’s criteria and priorities and will provide support to the recipient organisations including accessing additional funding / revenue sources, helping them to become more sustainable.

·     Ward Credits:  A “credits pot” to be allocated to identified wards to be used to commission new services, either from within the Council or from other partners / sectors, to deliver on the Ward priorities. 


For Holgate Ward it was reported that following a voting process involving residents that the following would be funded from the Ward budget:


·        Friends of West Bank Park, £1000 Funding for their Summer Fair. This is valuable funding as without it they would struggle to fund the well attended event. The funding for this has been released early as the arrangements for the Summer Fair are already underway.


·        Holgate Scout Group, £1000 to help the group fund their new mini bus. Fundraising has been ongoing and this grant will provide a much needed investment and allow the group to attend national events safely.


·        Over 60’s Monday Club, £1000 to continue the valued outings for the group. The club is a well established and highly valued activity for many local residents. The club meet every Monday at Poppleton Road Memorial Hall.


·        St Pauls Church, £500 to run a monthly lunch club.

Young at Heart (St. Paul’s) is up and running on the Second Wednesday of the month at the Carlton Tavern, Acomb Road 12.00—2.30pm. Meals are £5 and offer and opportunity to make new friends and be entertained.


·          Millenium Green Trust –  £420 for the Trust to cut the grass, buy insurance and maintain its website.


·          Poppleton Memorial Hall £470 for new vinyl floor in the kitchen.


·          Holgate pre-school £200 for crafts and daily snacks.


·          St. Pauls Church £200 to set up a social and craft group



Residents present at the meeting expressed disappointment with the level of funding allocated to the Millenium Green Trust. Ward Members confirmed that they would arrange a meeting with the Officer for Parks and Open Spaces at the Council to discuss possible options.


RESOLVED:                That Ward Members noted the allocation of ward funding as outlined above.



REASON:                     To enable ward grant funding to be allocated to local ward schemes for the forthcoming year.


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