Agenda item

Safer York Partnership Performance Report

This report details performance on the Community Safety Plan 2011-14.


Members considered a report that provided information on performance on the Community Safety Plan 2011-14.  Officers went through the data.


(i)           Benchmarking Data


Responding to the issue that had been raised under the previous item, an explanation was given as to how the Home Office calculated the “family groupings”.  This was based on a number of socio-demographic and geographic factors, including size of population and ethnicity.  As requested by Members, future reports from the Safer York Partnership would include comparative data with more similar cities.


(ii)          CCTV


Members raised concerns regarding incidents of criminal damage on Grosvenor Terrace.  Arising from this, discussion took place regarding CCTV within the city.  It was noted that the committee had previously considered carrying out a review on issues relating to CCTV but had decided not to proceed at that time.  The Cabinet Member for Crime and Community Safety suggested that, with the planned move to West Offices, it may be an opportune time to consider whether they wished to carry out such a review.  Officers explained the arrangements that were in place to protect individual’s privacy.  Members also heard about the installation and maintenance costs.  It was noted that many local authorities were looking to reduce the number of CCTV cameras in operation in order to reduce costs.  Members suggested that it would be helpful if data was available to demonstrate the impact of CCTV in terms of crime reduction and crime solving. 


Members’ attention was drawn to the fact that the CCTV system in York was an ageing system and, over the next few years, the implications of this would have to be considered. 


(iii)        Performance Data


Members’ attention was drawn to key issues in the performance data including:

·        Total crime in York was predicted to be around 1500 crimes lower in 2011-12 than 2010-11.  If achieved, this would represent a 52% decrease in crime in the city since 2003/4.

·        There had recently been an increase in burglaries.  These were often from student premises and insecure properties.  Details were given of some of the strategies that had been put in place to address this issue.

·        There had been an increase in the theft of catalytic convertors.  The Auto-crime Task Group had put an initiative in place to deter such thefts, including the etching and painting of converters.

·        There had been a 120% increase in cases of metal theft within the first nine months of the financial year.

·        Levels of cycle theft continued to reduce with a predicted 30% drop since the last financial year.

·        There had been a 2% increase in anti-social behaviour, including incidents of graffiti.


Members were pleased to note that the Pay Back service was carrying out very useful work and that the co-ordination between CANs and the Probation Service was very good. 


Members suggested that it would be helpful if data could be provided in respect of the financial impact of crime.


Members expressed their appreciation of the way in which the report had been presented.


RESOLVED:       (i)      That the Safer York Partnership

                                      performance reports be noted.


                             (ii)      That information on the financial impact of

crime be presented with the next performance report.


(iii)     That network managers be requested to

                                     prepare a report for the committee on any

                                     perceived threats to the CCTV system in

                                     York over forthcoming years.



REASONS:         (i)      To ensure that the Committee is kept

updated on the performance of the Safer York Partnership.


                             (ii)      To enable the Committee to consider

                                      whether to carry out a review on CCTV.


Supporting documents:


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