Agenda item

York Engineers’ Triangle Development

3.         York Engineers’ Triangle Development

Developers O’Neill Associates will inform you on the development of the railway site


3.         David Johnson, O’Neill Associates and Luan Anderson, Network Rail, gave information on the proposed development of the York Engineers’ Triangle Development.

3.1       The workforce development centre is part of the relocation of training centres. It is part of a national strategy providing state of the art training facilities.

3.2       York has been chosen due to the city’s strong rail links and history.

3.3       Staff currently at other locations will be offered relocation to the new facility, this includes signallers and maintenance staff.

3.4       The training centre will cater for up to 220 trainees, providing residential courses up to a week long.

3.5       Included in the training centre is a 60m indoor section of track to provide a realistic environment for trainees to work in.

3.6       A three shift pattern will be run, the same as currently operated. 100 staff members will be on shift at any one time.

3.7       120 car parking spaces will be provided, these are for members of office staff. A sustainable transport scheme is run, encouraging the use of trains and public transport. Workers are expected to use rail as much as possible.

3.8       Cinder Lane will provide access for the centre. The footbridge at Wilton Rise will also remain to provide access.

3.9       The development will largely be single storey although the training centre will be higher to allow access for trains on the indoor rail. An overhead gantry will be installed for the track section.

3.10    As the development is going to be seen on arrival to York, the building is designed to provide a suitable arrival. Consultations have been undertaken with conservation and archaeological trusts.

3.11    Open days at the railway station and St Pauls Church have been arranged for further public consultation and information.


Residents were given the opportunity to ask questions.


Q-        Can access to the site be clarified?

A-   Access is gained form Cinder Lane, access by the existing signalling centre will also remain.


Q-        So, Cinder Lane access will remain open?

A-   Yes


Q-        Can the number of people working on the site be clarified?

A-   120 shift staff at any one time, so around 200 at shift change over. Plus up to 220 people in training at any time.


Q-        Who are the carparking spaces provided for?

A-   These will be for office staff working 9 to 5 and visitors. The majority of the workforce and trainees will travel by rail.


Q-        As sustainable transport has been mentioned, will there be cycle provision?

A-   Yes



Q-        What shift patterns will operate?

A-   They will be the same as currently in operation, change overs around 6am, midday and 10pm.           


Q-        Encouragement to use sustainable transport was in place when CPP started and it hasn’t worked as the carpark is always full, why will it work for this development?

A-   Many of the Network Rail workforce are already in the mindset of using the railways as it in place already. The staff transport subsidy is already well used.


Q-        There was mention of relocation, will mapping be done to see who is coming from where?

A-   Yes this is being done and as part of regional and national policies. For example, signallers from Peterborough will be travelling to the new site.


Q-        What is the primary training purpose?

A-   Signalling and maintenance as well as office staff training.


Q-        Parking around Leeman Road, Kingsland Terrace, Wilton Rise, Railway Terrace is bad now, will there be any encouragement for visitors to use the park and ride?

A-   Yes, Park and Ride will be heavily promoted in publicity material and training information. It’s known that community parking is an issue around St Pauls Terrace and something that we are well aware of.



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