Agenda item

Royal York Hotel, Station Road, York YO24 1AY (11/02650/FUL)

Siting of a 53 metre diameter observation wheel to be positioned until January 2013 [Micklegate Ward]  [Site Visit]


Consideration was given to a full application submitted by Max Carlish, for the siting of a 53 metre diameter observation wheel in the grounds of the Royal York Hotel until January 2013.


Officers circulated an update to the Committee report, which covered the following points, full details of which are set out in the update attached to the republished agenda:

·        Recommendation and reason for approval;

·        Visit York letter of support;

·        Details of further objections received;

·        Building heights in the vicinity of the site.


Representations in objection to the scheme were made by the resident of 608 Westgate on the grounds of loss of amenity which he pointed out would be substantial. He spoke of the dubious economic benefit of the proposals and to the dominance of the proposed structure and general lighting issues.


Another resident pointed out that the wheel sited at the National Railway Museum had not impacted on the amenity of local residents as did the current proposal. He made representations in relation to the blight the wheel would have on the area being 3 times the height of the apartments and sited on a raised area close to properties and a Grade 2 listed building.


Representations were also received on behalf of a resident of the apartments who made reference to the officers report. In particular to the reports conclusion which referred to the detrimental impact the wheel would have on the character and appearance of the city and the Central Historic Core Conservation Area and setting of the listed building. He went onto express concern at the precedence that approval would give as all consultation had confirmed that the proposal was only suitable on a short term basis.


A further Westgate apartment resident also raised objections to the siting, to the use of a generator, possible damage to archaeological remains and to the proposed access adjacent to the traffic lights in an already congested area. Other issues related to the affect on the hotel gardens and wildlife and he requested the Committee to refuse the application on these grounds.


Representations were then received in support of the scheme from the applicant. He circulated copies of the following supplementary information to assist members in further explaining the proposals:

·        Planning Statement in support of the application;

·        Details of lighting options for the wheel together with positive quotes from other city officials;

·        Details of current and previous locations of Great City Attractions wheels.


He went on to refer to the proposed lighting options and to outline the benefits, highlighting the economic, social, charity and cultural benefits of the wheel for the city.


The General Manager of the Royal York Hotel informed members that 2011 had seen the highest occupancy rate in the history of the Royal York hotel. He confirmed that the decision to site the wheel in the grounds had not therefore been taken without serious consideration and consultation with both present and future customers, the majority of which had given it their full support.


Members then questioned the applicant and speakers on a number of points including:

·        Details of job creation – confirmed 25/30 people required for erection and maintenance together with marketing and hospitality posts.

·        Further information on security, acoustic measures and lighting.

·        Availability of alternative sites.

·        Further information in respect of the Design and Access Statement.

·        Hours of operation, in particular during the winter months.

·        Details of prior consultation with adjacent residents.

·        Temporary nature of proposals and possible precedence.

·        Charity benefits.

·        Privacy issues of adjacent apartments.

·        Understanding of residents concerns and requested assurances that any siting would not be longer term.


Following further lengthy discussion, Councillor Galvin then moved refusal of the application on the grounds the affect the wheel would have on adjacent residents from overlooking and its proximity to a listed building. This was seconded by Councillor Watson and on being put to the vote this motion was lost.


Councillor King then moved and Councillor Funnell seconded approval of the application for the reasons listed in the officers report.


RESOLVED:       That the application be approved subject to the imposition of conditions listed in the report.


REASON:             In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the impact on heritage assets, amenity and highway safety.  As such the proposal complies with Policies SP3, GP1, GP3, NE6, HE2, HE3, HE4, V1 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan.


Supporting documents:


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