Agenda item

Presentation on Proposed Scrutiny Topic: Reducing the Carbon Footprint in Privately Rented Accommodation (e.g. Heslington, Hull Road & Fishergate Wards)

Officers will give a short presentation on the above proposed scrutiny topic. The Committee are then asked to complete the attached Topic Assessment Form (One Page Strategy) to set out clear aims and objectives for the review. The Topic Assessment Form and the questions asked within it acts as a guideline to help identify issues that need to be considered as part of any review.


Members received a presentation from Officers on a proposed scrutiny topic relating to the reduction of carbon footprints in privately rented accommodation in Heslington, Hull Road and Fishergate Wards.


Officers circulated a briefing note which accompanied the presentation. It updated Members to what actions had been taken in relation to the reduction of carbon footprints in Council Housing. This was attached to the agenda after the meeting, and the agenda was republished online.


Discussion relating to both the proposed topic and briefing note ensued which included;


-      The definition of fuel poverty


-      The success of the Green Streets Neighbourhoods Challenge


-      One Community Energy Savings Programme (CESP)


-      Which other areas of the city could be identified as being in need of examination by a scrutiny review on this topic


It was noted that fuel poverty was defined as being the percentage of a person’s income that is spent on fuel. If more than 10% of the person’s income was spent, this classified them as being in fuel poverty.


Officers reported that the Green Streets Neighbourhood Challenge, which had been carried out in the areas of Holgate and South Bank, had managed to attain a reduction of 2 tonnes in their carbon footprint.


Members were informed that one area of Hull Road ward was selected as an eligible ward for the CESP, which enabled residents to access funding for the installation of a range of renewable and energy efficient technologies, which in the majority of cases meant fitting cavity wall insulation. However, one of the main conclusions reached by the project was that the take up of technologies would only be successful alongside better information and change of behaviour in every day living (such as a greater use of showers rather than baths).

Further discussion on the proposed scrutiny topic ensued and it was agreed that the focus of any review undertaken should;


-      Look at areas with a higher housing footprint, such as Osbaldwick, rather than Heslington.


-      Focus on the reduction of carbon footprints as a tool to increase the take up of renewable technologies.


-      Draw on information about the behaviour of landlords and tenants towards their carbon footprints through the use of questionnaires.


Members agreed that the proposed scrutiny topic should progress to a review, and that the work be carried out by a task group, rather than the whole committee. The specific topic area was defined as  “Review of Council Policies and Procedures in relation to the take up of available measures to reduce the carbon footprint in privately rented accommodation” It was suggested that nominations for membership of the task group could be circulated by email. Members of the Committee, however, did not agree on a date for the task group’s first meeting.


It was suggested that in order to proceed with the review, that the Task Group could receive briefing notes at their first meeting from Officers relating to;


-An overview of current Council policies relating to domestic carbon reduction


-Regulations on domestic carbon reduction relating to private sector housing


-An overview of policies relating to the regulation of privately rented accommodation in the city


-The Government’s Green Deal


Members also requested that Officers might approach a representative from the Yorkshire Energy Partnership (YEP) to provided information to the Task Group at their meeting. It was noted that although the YEP provided impartial advice, that this might be subject to budget restraints.



RESOLVED:       (i)      That the presentation be noted.


(ii)      That a task group be formed in order to examine the topic.


(iii)     That membership of the task group be established by email nomination.


(iv)    That meetings for the task group be arranged, following confirmation of the membership.


(v)     That the task group receive briefing notes relating to the subjects mentioned above.


REASON:                     In order to address the issues raised by the proposed scrutiny topic.







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