Agenda item

Town Farmhouse, 25 Church Lane, Nether Poppleton, York, YO26 6LF (11/01736/FUL)

Erection of 1no. dwelling and garage building in the garden of 25 Church Lane with associated access following the demolition of the garage at no.11 Poppleton Hall Gardens (resubmission) [Rural West York] [Site Visit].



Members considered a full application from Mr Robin Garland for the erection of one dwelling and garage building in the garden of 25 Church Lane with associated access following the demolition of the garage at 11 Poppleton Hall Gardens (resubmission).


Officers advised that the Conservation Area Advisory Panel had submitted further objections and three further letters had been received from neighbours in support of the officer’s recommendation to refuse the scheme. Their objections included:

·         Detracts from verdant character, covenant, inappropriate backland development and poor design.

·         There is a covenant (from when the land was sold by north yorks Council in 1979) that only one house may be on the application site.

·         Highway safety concerns.


Representations were also received from a local resident who spoke on behalf of immediate neighbours in objection to the application. He circulated a plan of the  site, an aerial view of the surrounding area and a photograph of Poppleton Hall Gardens for the benefit of Members. He raised the following points:

·         Proposals are detrimental to the character and appearance of the area.

·         Contrary to 5 out of 9 policies in GP1.

·         Contrary to majority of the 10 policies in the Village Design Statement, including its proximity to an ancient monument.

·         Does not protect conservation area.

·         Immediate neighbours would be overlooked by new property

·         Existing long gardens have become wildlife havens.

·         Concerns over highway safety – would exacerbate problems on the narrow cul-de-sac

·         Loss of amenity for 11 Poppleton Hall Gardens due to creation of parking space in front of living room window.

·         Policy GP10 states you may choose to sub divide gardens as long as it is not detrimental – this would be detrimental


Representations were also received from a parish councillor on behalf of Nether Poppleton Parish Council in objection to the scheme. He advised Members that he supported the officer’s recommendation to refuse the application stating:

·         Members of parish council had discussed the application at their meeting and agreed that it does not protect or enhance the conservation area.

·         A covenant exists which should protect the land from further development.

·         There is already congestion in Poppleton Hall Gardens, due to width of road. If cars are parked on the road at all, it makes traffic movements very difficult.

·         Children play in cul-de-sac raising concerns over their safety.


Members acknowledged concerns over highway safety which had been raised by the speakers but noted that highways network management had not objected to the scheme. However they agreed that the proposals would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the conservation area.


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused.


REASON:                  The proposed development, because of its location, the scale of the proposed house, the amount of associated development (ancillary building and vehicle parking and turning areas) and removal of existing landscaping would have an urbanising effect.


The application site is in part of the Nether Poppleton Conservation Area which is characterised by its green/open character, on the periphery of the settlement where the distinctive historic character is retained by the remaining historic plots with gardens that lead down to the river and the presence of the Scheduled Ancient Monument to the east.


The scheme would not preserve or enhance the distinctive character of the area, contrary to PPS1 and Local Plan policies GP1 and GP10, and there would be harm to the character and appearance of the Nether Poppleton Conservation Area, contrary to PPS5, Local Plan policies HE2 and HE3 and the policies within the Poppleton Village Design Statement.


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