Agenda item

Notices of Motion

To consider the following Notices of Motion under Standing Order 12:


A – Motions referred from the Cabinet in accordance with Standing Order 12.1(a)




B – Motions submitted for consideration directly by Council, in accordance with Standing Order 12.1(b)


(i)           From Cllr Funnell


“Council notes the benefits of solar power in reducing energy bills and our dependence on oil. It is the environmentally responsible option for business, the public sector and for private households.


Council expresses alarm at the Conservative-Liberal Democrat Government's announcement to bring forward, from 1st April 2012 to 12th December 2011, a reduction in the Feed in Tariff for solar panel electricity generation of around 61% for schemes tackling fuel poverty, such as City of York Council’s, which was to provide solar panels to around 2,000 homes.


Council expresses its disappointment at the decision to reduce the Feed in Tariff, threatening the overall viability of the York solar scheme. Council also expresses concern at the loss of jobs, in York, that the solar installation industry has reported will result from the announcement.


Council requests that the Chief Executive writes to Gregory Barker MP, Minister of State for Climate Change, and requests that all those signed up to schemes and that have undertaken preparatory work prior to the Minister's statement on 31st October, receive the Feed in Tariff rate previously agreed and promoted by his Government.


Council requests that officers and both York MPs lobby the Government following news reports that the Minister may be considering phasing in the Government's proposed cuts in response to strong opposition.”


(ii)          From Cllr Steward


“Council welcomes the coalition Government’s efforts to reduce the deficit and to provide a period of financial stability following 12 years of economic mismanagement by Labour.  Council therefore supports the Government’s offer of financial incentives to councils which commit to no rise in council tax.


In support of the coalition Government’s policy of freezing council tax CYC pledges to undertake such a council tax freeze for the next two financial years.”


(iii)        From Cllr Cuthbertson


“Council believes that personal financial education for young people is vital to ensure that they have the skills needed to prosper in a complex economy.


Council notes that, while a petition calling on the Government to make personal financial education part of the national curriculum has attracted more than 100,000 signatures, there are as yet no plans to make such education compulsory or to specify what should be covered.


Council therefore resolves to take action to ensure that children and young people in York are taught these important financial management skills.   Council requests that officers bring a report to Cabinet outlining the options available to encourage and support schools in providing personal financial education for every young person in our city.”


(iv)        From Cllr Cunningham-Cross


“Council places on record its grave concern over the number of young people aged 16-24 years old who are unemployed, which reached an all time record high of 1.02m last month.

Council wishes to express its concern over the continued attacks on the future of children and young people in York, including the cutting of:

·        Educational Maintenance Grant

·        Future Jobs Fund

·        Care to Learn Grant

·        Child Tax Credit

·        Child Trust Funds

And partial cuts through:

·        Childcare element of Working Tax Credit reduced from 80% to 70% of costs

·        Three year freeze on Child Benefit.


Council also notes the increase in university fees which will stop many York young people entering higher education.


Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Secretaries of State for Education and Work and Pensions to express Council’s grave concern over changes to education and welfare that will affect the daily lives and future prospects of York’s children and young people.”


(i)         Solar Energy – Feed in Tariff


It was moved by Cllr Funnell and seconded by Cllr Levene that:


“Council notes the benefits of solar power in reducing energy bills and our dependence on oil. It is the environmentally responsible option for business, the public sector and for private households.


Council expresses alarm at the Conservative-Liberal Democrat Government's announcement to bring forward, from 1st April 2012 to 12th December 2011, a reduction in the Feed in Tariff for solar panel electricity generation of around 61% for schemes tackling fuel poverty, such as City of York Council’s, which was to provide solar panels to around 2,000 homes.


Council expresses its disappointment at the decision to reduce the Feed in Tariff, threatening the overall viability of the York solar scheme. Council also expresses concern at the loss of jobs, in York, that the solar installation industry has reported will result from the announcement.


Council requests that the Chief Executive writes to Gregory Barker MP, Minister of State for Climate Change, and requests that all those signed up to schemes and that have undertaken preparatory work prior to the Minister's statement on 31st October, receive the Feed in Tariff rate previously agreed and promoted by his Government.


Council requests that officers and both York MPs lobby the Government following news reports that the Minister may be considering phasing in the Government's proposed cuts in response to strong opposition.”


In accordance with his powers under Standing Orders, the Lord Mayor ruled the following amendment which had been submitted by Cllr Healey out of order:


First Paragraph, third line, delete “oil” and replace with “fossil fuels”.


Second paragraph, first line, delete “expresses alarm at” and replace with “notes”.

Fourth line, delete “of around 61% for schemes tackling fuel poverty of” and replace with “from 43.3p kWh to 16p per kWh”.

Second paragraph, fifth line, after “Council’s,” add “which this financial year was”.


Third paragraph, delete entire paragraph after the first word, “Council” and replace with “asks officers to work with Community energy Solutions to review the scheme so it can continue to provide affordable energy to council residents, noting in particular the reduction of 40%+ in the wholesale price of solar panels, the Council’s 20% ‘roof rent’ and the continued low interest rates which currently only benefits the financiers.  Council schemes should aim to break even.”


Fourth paragraph, second line, delete “and requests that all those signed up to schemes and that have undertaken preparatory work prior to the Minister’s statement on 31st October, receive the Feed in Tariff rate previously agreed and promoted by his Government.” And replace with “to ask that he put in place a stable subsidy framework to enable medium-term planning.”


Fifth paragraph, delete the entire paragraph.


On being put to the vote, the original motion was declared CARRIED and it was:


RESOLVED:             That the above notice of motion be approved.1


(ii)        Proposals for a Council Tax Freeze


The following motion had been submitted by Cllr Steward


“Council welcomes the coalition Government’s efforts to reduce the deficit and to provide a period of financial stability following 12 years of economic mismanagement by Labour.  Council therefore supports the Government’s offer of financial incentives to councils which commit to no rise in council tax.


In support of the coalition Government’s policy of freezing council tax CYC pledges to undertake such a council tax freeze for the next two financial years.”


On the advice of the Chief Executive and in accordance with the provisions of Standing Orders, the Lord Mayor ruled that the above motion be referred to the Cabinet for a full report to consider the budgetary implications of making such a decision at this stage on the Council Tax. He advised that there would therefore be no further debate on the motion in accordance with Standing Order 12.1 2 


(iii)       Financial Management Skills for Young People


It was moved by Cllr Cuthbertson and seconded by Cllr Potter that:


 “Council believes that personal financial education for young people is vital to ensure that they have the skills needed to prosper in a complex economy.


Council notes that, while a petition calling on the Government to make personal financial education part of the national curriculum has attracted more than 100,000 signatures, there are as yet no plans to make such education compulsory or to specify what should be covered.


Council therefore resolves to take action to ensure that children and young people in York are taught these important financial management skills.   Council requests that officers bring a report to Cabinet outlining the options available to encourage and support schools in providing personal financial education for every young person in our city.”


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRIED and it was:


RESOLVED:             That the above notice of motion be approved.3


(iv)       Effect of Changes to education and welfare on children and young people


It was moved by Cllr Cunningham-Cross and seconded by Cllr Boyce that:


“Council places on record its grave concern over the number of young people aged 16-24 years old who are unemployed, which reached an all time record high of 1.02m last month.

Council wishes to express its concern over the continued attacks on the future of children and young people in York, including the cutting of:

·         Educational Maintenance Grant

·         Future Jobs Fund

·         Care to Learn Grant

·         Child Tax Credit

·         Child Trust Funds

And partial cuts through:

·         Childcare element of Working Tax Credit reduced from 80% to 70% of costs

·         Three year freeze on Child Benefit.


Council also notes the increase in university fees which will stop many York young people entering higher education.


Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Secretaries of State for Education and Work and Pensions to express Council’s grave concern over changes to education and welfare that will affect the daily lives and future prospects of York’s children and young people.”


Cllr Healey then moved and Cllr Steward seconded, an amendment to the above motion as follows:


“In the fourth line of the first paragraph, after “Council” delete “wishes to express its concern over the continued attacks on the future of children and young people in York, including the cutting of:”” and replace with “notes the changes to the following benefits:”

In the twelfth line of the first paragraph, delete “partial cuts through:” and replace with “changes to”.


In the first line of the second paragraph, after “fees” delete “which will stop many York young people entering higher education” and replace with “that resulted from the Labour initiated Lord Browne “Independent Review into Higher Education Funding and Student Finance”.


In the second sentence of the third paragraph, delete “grave”.

In the third sentence of the third paragraph, delete remainder of sentence after “welfare”.


Add final fourth paragraph:  “Council also instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Shadow Secretaries of State for Education and Work and Pensions asking whether they would reverse these changes and if so how they would finance any changes.”


On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared LOST.


Cllr Runciman then moved, and Cllr Aspden seconded, an amendment to the original motion as follows:


“At the end of the first paragraph add “after rising by almost 40% under the previous Government.”


In the second paragraph after “concern over the” insert “perception of”.


After “Council notes the” insert “misinformation about the”.


After “which will” insert“put many York young people off”.


After “higher education” insert“despite the new system not requiring upfront fees and ensuring that graduates do not pay back loans until they earn more than £21,000 a year.”


In the final paragraph, after “grave concern over” insert “the need to do more to explain the”


After “welfare” insert “to ensure that the”


After “young people” insert “are not harmed by misleading claims which suggest they may not get the support they need.”


On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared LOST.


The original motion was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED:             That the above notice of motion be approved 4


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