Agenda item

Ward Schemes

Groups who have applied for ward funding for next year will let us know why they need the funding.


Cllr Williams informed the meeting that three of the last four schemes in Your Ward have been printed with the wrong amounts next to them.


They should read:


Grant to Young People’s Service to provide one extra session for young people each week - £5,860

Grant to Friends of Foxwood to build and plant planters - £500

Funding to train adults to support the Playspace sessions -£485


He then asked if any applicants wanted to elaborate of their suggestion and explain why they need funding.  The following information was given:


Street Sport

These sessions are to encourage children and young people who do not normally participate in sport to participate.  The numbers of children and young people attending these sessions increases every year and funding is required to ensure theses sessions continue.


Safe and Sound Homes

This service used to be called Nightstop.  It provides emergency accommodation for young people through a network of hosts.  The hosts take in a young person for a night giving them a hot meal and breakfast.

During the period between October 2010 and October 2011 260 nights accommodation have been provided for 60 young people.  There are currently three hosts in the ward.

This service has a direct impact on the well being of young people.


Friends of Acomb Green

The summer fare has been running for two years with upwards of 1,000 people attending.

Hopefully 2012 the fare will be bigger and better than ever.

The improvements to the Green it is hopeful will happen are a community notice board and further bulb planting.


ChapelfieldsOutta School club

Being successful in getting a grant would mean that the cost of a place at the Outta school club can be kept affordable. Many of the parents attending are on a low income so keeping costs low is very important.  Funds are also needed for equipment and trips to support the club.


Ark Community theatre

There have been concerns raised at this meeting about older people and about young people. This project is an intergenerational project.  The theatre will be in Foxwood Community Centre and will be for the whole community.  Drama is a fantastic medium for bringing people together.  The Ark Church has part funded this project.


Citizens Advice Bureau


Last year the Citizens Advice Bureau helped 4,700 people in York.  This application will enable more people to be helped near to where they live.

Local sessions have identified more money for residents, to extend this service and make sure more residents are getting all the money they are entitled to this funding is needed.


York Older Peoples Assembly

YOPA was set up 8 years ago to represent older people.  They produce a regular newsletter for 50+ residents which reaches 4,000 people.  Many of the services are centrally based and YOPA recognise the need to take the services out to where people live.  They would like funding to run an information fare in Westfield with the following organisations attending: free nail cutting service: free bold pressure testing from the Primary Care Trust; free sloppy slipper exchange; free refreshments.


Foxwood Residents Association

Two years ago the residents association started to make the area more pleasant by planting bulbs and shrubs.  Last year they built on the work previously undertaken and planted up large planters and trees.  They are looking to hold a bigger event next year bringing all sections of the community together, this would require funding.


Foxwood Friendship Club

This club is for the over 50’s in Foxwood, they are a small group who meet on a Thursday afternoon.  It is a social group who need the funding to provide trips as an extension to the activities usually enjoyed.




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