Agenda item

Local Improvement Schemes

An update will be given on the progress of this year’s schemes. Following that, the suggested schemes for 2012-13 will be discussed. If you made one of the suggestions on the ballot list, come along to tell people more about it.


7.0    Toby Knight, Neighbourhood Management Officer gave an update on year 2011-2012 schemes.


GU-11-01  Additional seating at places identified by residents.

One of the locations identified by local residents is near St George’s Burial Ground.

          Cllr Looker said that the ‘Reinvigorate York’ review of street furniture is currently taking place and the installation of new benches should be suspended for now.

          Police have raised their concern regarding the burial ground location for the new bench, as it would attract street drinkers.

          Several residents commented that benches are for the benefit of the community and their location cannot be dictated by street drinkers.

          It was decided that further consultation in regards to the bench location will be carried out after the review outcomes are known.


GU-11-03  York St John Student Union Night Marshals.

The scheme is progressing and the cheque was raised to fund it.


GU-11-04  Grant to York St John Student Union for Freecycle Event.

The scheme is progressing and the cheque was raised to fund it.


GU-11-07  Recycling for Peel Street Car Park.

The scheme is on hold, as all properties on Peel Street now benefit from doorstep recycling. Money could be used either to clear suitable area for a charity recycling bank (hatched area by pay and display) or to pay for lease of 2 parking space it would occupy. We are waiting to see if the car park lease will be extended beyond 2013.


GU-11-10  York Rotters training on how to use compost to grow your own produce.

          The cheque was raised to fund the scheme.


GU-11-12  Street Sport York 10 sessions.

          The cheque was raised to fund the scheme.


GU-11-15  York Playspace chill out sessions.

          The cheque was raised to fund the scheme.


GU-11-17  Age Concern toe nail cutting service.

          The cheque was raised to fund the scheme.


GU-11-18  Active York for their fund for the gifted.

          The cheque was raised to fund the scheme.  


GU-11-20 York Youth Council city centre café.

          The cheque was raised to fund the scheme.


GU-11-21  York St John Student Union Community Coordinators.

          The cheque was raised to fund the scheme.


 GU-11-24Space 109 to support the local community.

          The cheque was raised to fund the scheme.


GU-11-25  York older peoples assembly.

          The cheque was raised to fund the scheme.


The following questions were raised.


Q       Will you be able to replace the notice board on Speculation Street.

A       That notice board will be replaced and the cost will be covered from the Estate Improvement Grant.


Q       There is an issue with bicycles being discarded on the streets. Who can I contact to arrange for removal?

A       You can ring York Customer Centre on 01904 551551.


Q       Is there an under spend in year 2011-2012 ward budget?

A       No, but there is community chest to fund schemes at ward members’ discretion.


Q       How many schemes should I be voting for on the 2012-2013 ballot?

A       The Guidhall Ward budget is around £21,000. Please vote for all the schemes you would like to see taking place. Vote against a scheme only when you have concerns.


7.1    Representatives of groups/organisations who applied for ward funding from the 2012-2013 budget were given opportunity to give further information in support of their applications.


Space 109 – scheme 12

Would like to ask for funds to support its community work and expand the Young Diners and Homework Club to reach more young residents. The purpose of the club is to allow young people to gather together, complete their homework and have a meal. Club members will be taught how to cook healthy meals.  Volunteers will be involved in teaching young people useful skills, such as how to lay the table for dinner.


York Playspace – schemes 16 and 17

Would like to ask for funds to support their Chill Out Zones. Chill Outs benefit children and young people aged 8-13 year in three specific areas of York; they include the Tang Hall area, the 68 Centre area of Heworth and Moor Lane Centre are of Dringhouses. Any child from any area in York can attend those sessions.

York Playspace would also like to ask for funds to provide basic play work qualification training to at least 5 residents aged 18 years and over to improve their future employment prospects.


Adults Provision and Modernisation – scheme 5

Musical Connections is an ongoing and participatory music based programme designed specifically for residents living in CYC care homes across York, including Willow House. Funding will help to take the project into its fourth year, thus ensuring that the positive effects of the work are sustained. Weekly music sessions at Willow House provide its residents with the opportunity to play different instruments and try different types of music, such as reggae, heavy metal, or rap.


York St John's Student Union – schemes 8 and 10

The aim of the Night Marshalls project is to reduce late night disturbances from people wandering home from the City Centre at night.

The Freecycle is essentially a recycling project whereby volunteers will be recruited to deliver refuse sacks to students within the community.


Edible York – scheme 22

Edible York would like to create an orchard network in York. This will involve buying a number of trees and distributing them to communities across York. The project will spread from the city centre to the outskirts. The orchard trees that will be purchased are easy to maintain.



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