Agenda item

Holgate Villa, 22 Holgate Road, York YO24 4AB (11/00436/FULM)

Erection of part 3 part 4 storey hotel with associated parking and landscaping following demolition of an existing office building. [Micklegate Ward]


Members considered a major full application, received from The Villas Venture, for the erection of a part 3 and part 4 storey hotel with associated parking and landscaping following the demolition of the existing office building. Consideration of this application had been deferred at the Committee’s last meeting to allow further public consultation to be undertaken.


Officers displayed plans of the scheme under consideration and, on request, plans of an alternative scheme which proposed the buildings end elevation facing Holgate Road finished in white render and 5 storeys in height. Officers confirmed that, in order to alleviate local resident’s concerns, the design of the raised planter had been amended to prevent people congregating and a canopy added in the rear car park as a smoker’s shelter rather than at the main entrance. A list of available vacant office premises in the city centre and edge of centre had also been circulated to members for their information.


Officers went onto report receipt of two additional letters from residents following the public meeting details of which had been set out in the report at para. 3.19.


Representations in support of the application were then received from a Director of the Helmsley Group. He confirmed that the public consultation meeting had been well attended. The main issues raised included omission of the footpath along the east side of Lowther Terrace, the need to provide a hidden area for smokers, a request for a redesign of the hotel’s frontage, use of the hotel and support for the rendering of the building fronting onto Holgate Road.


The applicant’s Architect also spoke in support of the application. He confirmed that consultation had been undertaken with Officers to ensure that all concerns regarding the buildings height, materials and width of Lowther Terrace had been met.


Members then questioned a number of aspects of the proposals including:

·        Further details of resident’s feedback and the need to take this on board.

·        Details of office accommodation currently being marketed in the York area of a similar size to Holgate Villa.

·        Confirmation that the alternate scheme favoured by residents was a storey higher and included a change in materials. Officers pointed out that this would require submission of a new application and further consultation therefore members could only consider the application as submitted.

·        Further clarification in respect Policy E3b and the loss of office space in the city.

·        Confirmation that the existing building was not fully DDA compliant.

·        Loss of major employment sites required monitoring.

·        Number of underutilised office’s in the city centre.

·        Bus services and the viability of sites.


Following further discussion it was


RESOLVED:       That the application be approved subject to the Assistant Director (Planning and Sustainable Development) in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair being delegated authority to agree the treatment of the Holgate Road elevation of the building. 1.


REASON:           In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the principle of the change of use, visual and residential amenity, highway safety and archaeology. 


As such the proposal complies with national policy established in PPS1, PPS4 and PPS5 and Policies SP7A, SP7B, GP1, GP3, GP4A, HE2, HE10, T4, E3B, V1, V3 and V4 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan.


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