Agenda item

Nairobi Stables, Boroughbridge Road, York, YO26 6AP (11/01044/FUL)

Erection of 5.5m diameter wind turbine on 9m tower and erection of detached garage. [Rural West York Ward] [Site Visit]



Members considered a full application from Mr R Wood for the erection of 5.5m diameter wind turbine on a 9m tower and the erection of a detached garage.


Officers provided the following update to Members.


·        the third drawing referred to in condition 2 should state drawing B not A.

·        Condition 5 should be re-worded to restrict the use of the garage/car port to the use applied for.

·        condition 6 should be reworded to clarify that that there is no requirement for him to build the garage/car port but that if it is then the generators should be relocated inside it within 1 month of its completion.

·        A letter of objection had been received from two residents of Westfield Lane stating that no notice had been given to the people of Poppleton or other nearby residents, the turbine would be visually harmful and would harm the green belt, the proposed garage was not appropriate and concerned about noise pollution.


Officers explained that during the site visit, the applicant had explained that the application showed the turbine on top of one bund but that  it would in fact be on the site of a removed bund therefore the plan would need to be revised before the application was approved.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the conditions listed in the report and the amended conditions below:


Amended Condition 2

 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the following plans and other submitted details:-

Drawing numbers 2010.013.25 No 100 Rev A received 17th May 2011 Drawing numbers 2010.013.25 No 101 Rev B received 31st August 2011

Drawing numbers 2010.013.25 No 201 Rev B received 9th August 2011

Drawing numbers 2010.013.25 No 202 Rev B received 31st August 2011


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to ensure that the


Amended Condition 5

The garage / car port building hereby approved shall only be used for the purposes of storing equipment required in connection with the generation of electricity from the wind turbine hereby approved or for the purposes of the parking of vehicles for the owner of the lands domestic use or for the maintenance of the fishing lakes.


Reason: In the interests of ensuring that the development complies with national and local development policies for the Green Belt.


Amended Condition 6

 Any existing generators and all equipment required in connection with the generation of electricity from the turbine hereby approved shall be relocated within the garage/car port building hereby approved within 1 month of that building being completed.


Reason. In the interests of ensuring that the development complies with national and local development policies for the Green Belt in terms of the ensuring the building is used for what was applied for.


REASON:                  The proposal, subject to the conditions listed in the report and the amended conditions above, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference the residential amenity of the neighbours, the visual amenity of the locality and the greenbelt. As such, the proposal complies with Policies GP1, GB1, GB4 and GP5 of the City of York Council Development Control Local Plan (2005); national planning guidance contained in Planning Policy Guidance 2 "Green Belts", Planning Policy Statement 22 "Renewable Energy" and "Planning for Renewable Energy - A Companion Guide to PPS22".


Supporting documents:


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