Agenda item

Former Piggeries, Rear Of Willow Court, Main Street, Holtby, York. (11/00585/FUL)

This application seeks planning permission to erect four detached houses on land to the rear of Willow Court in Holtby. 


This application is being referred to the Committee for a decision at the request of Cllr Jenny Brooks on the grounds of public interest. A site visit is recommended in order to establish the potential impact that a new housing scheme would have on the Green Belt and also to consider the sustainability of the site for residential development. [Derwent] [Site Visit]



Members considered a full application from Mr C England for the erection of four dwellings with associated garages and access following the demolition of existing farm buildings.


In their update to Members, Officers gave a brief summary of the history of planning applications on the site under consideration. They stated that since the Officer’s report had been written, further investigations had been carried out in relation to the proposed  footpath from the site into the village, and how it would link up with other improvement works proposed by CYC. The applicant had indicated that he was prepared to fund the cost of the works. It was noted that further work had also taken place in relation to the existence of Great Crested Newts adjacent to the site, and that the open space offered by the applicant would need to be maintained as a nature reserve rather than as general amenity land. It was reported that the applicant was happy for the land to be used as a nature reserve to provide a habitat for the newts, if the application was approved.


Officers reported that a condition could be added to planning permission for a detailed management plan and that a licence would need to be acquired from Natural England before any construction commenced on the site.


In response to Members’ queries about a previous application on the same site, Officers reported that the current proposal included fewer houses, and that the houses would be significantly higher than the tallest barn on the site.


Representations in objection to the application were received from a local resident. He felt that national planning advice in PPG2 relating to the Green Belt, had not been followed, in that it stated in paragraph 2.6 that development  should not be allowed merely because a site has become derelict.


Representations in support of the application were received from another local resident. He considered that the proposed development was appropriate because the agricultural buildings on the site would be difficult to convert into open market residential units. He felt that these buildings were dangerous to children and were home to rats. He also felt by allowing development to take place, those properties which were located next to the site but away from the village, would feel more integrated into the village.

Representations in support were received from the applicant. He told Members that since 2005, decisions had been taken that housing was the only viable development on the site. He felt that the application should be approved, because it would provide work for those in the demolition and construction industry.


In response to a question from Members as to why the applicant wanted to develop the site, the applicant responded that the business for intensive livestock farming was not sustainable without a large amount of arable land available.


Representations were received from a member of Holtby Parish Council. He stated that the majority of residents were in support of the proposal and supported the provision of a  footpath from the site into the village.


During their discussion Members commented on the height of the proposed buildings, but felt that four dwellings would be more preferable than the previous application for eight properties. It was also considered that although the dwellings might intrude into the Green Belt, they would not restrict views for other residents in the village.


Officers advised Members that if they were minded to approve the application, it would need to be referred to Government Office in order for them to determine whether the application should be “called in” for a decision by a Government Inspector, as approval of the application would be contrary to Green Belt policy. 


Members suggested that a number of conditions be added to

planning permission, if the application was approved, including;


·        Standard “time” and “plans” conditions

·        The removal of permitted development rights in order to control future  extensions to the  dwellings

·        Materials to be agreed

·        A maximum height for the dwellings

·        Creation and future management of the Great Crested Newt habitat

·         Highway conditions relating to surfacing details, access details, car and cycle parking, turning areas, no mud on the highway during construction, and a dilapidation survey.

·        Drainage  details to be agreed

·        Ground contamination remediation strategy

·        Conditions as recommended by the Internal Drainage Board and Yorkshire Water in relation to foul and surface water disposal

·        Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3 to be achieved

·        5% of total energy requirements to be provided from on site renewable sources


In addition, that a Section 106 Agreement be entered into relating to the following:


-      Financial contribution of £180,000 towards footpath and junction improvements

-      An affordable housing contribution of £46,282. 50

-      Transfer of land to the Parish Council including future maintenance requirements and funding arrangements

-      Public open space contribution of £13,008


RESOLVED:       That the application be referred to Government Office with an indication that Members are minded to approve the application subject to the conditions and undertakings referred to above.


REASON:           Members consider that there are very special circumstances that outweigh any harm to the Green Belt that may otherwise arise.        

Supporting documents:


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