Agenda item

Site to the East of Vue Cinema, Stirling Road, York. (11/00620/OUT)

This application seeks outline planning permission for the erection of a 70 bed hotel on the eastern edge of the Vue Cinema car park at Clifton Moor. The hotel would also include an integral restaurant and bar.


This application has been brought before East Area Planning Sub-Committee at the request of Cllr. Wiseman on the grounds of loss of car parking and impact on the character of the area. [Skelton, Rawcliffe and Clifton Without] [Site Visit]


Members considered an outline application from Derby Property Investments Ltd for a 70 bed hotel (use class C1) on the eastern edge of the Vue Cinema car park at Clifton Moor.


Officers clarified to Members that there would be 35 spaces for use by hotel guests on a shared car park. The hotel would be sited on land that was currently used for 79 car parking spaces, and the site would not be fenced off from neighbouring buildings.


Representations in support were received from the applicant’s agent. He considered that the hotel could contribute to meeting the needs of accommodation for tourists and business people. He added that analysis of the loss of parking related both to the application under consideration, and the restaurant application which had been withdrawn before the meeting. He felt that the business would be sustainable, as hotel users often decided on their mode of travel before choosing the location of their accommodation.


Representations in objection were received from a member of Rawcliffe Parish Council. He questioned why the traffic survey  had been carried out between 8.00 am and 9.00 am and 4.30 pm and 5.30 pm in the month of November, as he felt that these were not the times at which the heaviest traffic flows occurred. He also questioned why the report had stated that trees would have to be removed when there were no existing trees on site. Finally, he felt that the application was contrary to the policies of the Draft Local Plan and should be refused.


Some Members expressed concerns at the loss of car parking spaces, particularly as the existing car park was at present extremely busy. They felt that this would lead to a greater number cars parking on adjacent roads.


Other Members disagreed and felt that the existing car park was often empty and that another hotel in York should be welcomed.


However, as Members felt that the location of the hotel would be unsuitable and that there would be a large loss of parking on the existing site, they agreed with the Officer’s recommendation for refusal.


RESOLVED:       That the application be refused.


REASON:           The application site is defined as being out of the centre which should only be considered appropriate if no suitable sites are available within the city or district centres or on the edge of the centre. It had not been adequately demonstrated that the proposed site is sequentially preferable. Alternative sequentially preferable sites have not been robustly considered. In addition, the applicants have failed to demonstrate that the current under supply of hotel accommodation would not be sufficiently met by existing planning permissions which are in place within the city centre and edge of centre and economically important sustainable mixed use development sites. It has not been demonstrated that the proposal would not impact adversely on the city centre and edge of centre through reducing the likelihood of existing permissions within more sustainable locations being implemented. Therefore, the proposal is considered unsustainable and contrary to the aims and objectives of national planning advice contained within Planning Policy Statement 4 “Planning for Sustainable Economic Growth” and Policies SP6 and SP7a of the City of York Draft Local Plan.


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