Agenda item

Notices of Motion

To consider the following Notices of Motion under Standing Order 12 submitted directly to Council:


(i)                 From Cllr Alexander


“At February’s Budget Council Meeting, the Labour Group proposed an amendment which would have rejected a number of cuts subsequently agreed by the Liberal Democrat and Conservative Groups, as well as other changes to capital and revenue budgets.


Since taking control of the Council, the Labour Group has produced a revised set of budget amendments, which fulfil its manifesto commitments to the residents of York by reversing just under £1m of these cuts to services that the most vulnerable rely on, and which also take account of the dreadful financial position that the Government has placed this and other local authorities in.


Council is therefore asked to rescind those decisions previously made in setting the Council’s budget in February 2011, where affected, and make the following amendments, as attached (at the end of the agenda papers at page 103).”


[In accordance with Standing Order 13.1 signed by:

Councillors Tracey Simpson-Laing, Dave Merrett, Ruth Potter, Sandy Fraser, Sonja Crisp and Janet Looker]


(ii)        From Cllr  Galvin


"Council agrees that chairs of all Scrutiny Committees must be from members of the main opposition parties and as such shall indicate which opposition party will chair the scrutiny committees currently chaired by members of the ruling party.  Specific nominations from the relevant opposition groups shall be forwarded to Democratic Services for processing and the Monitoring Officer is authorised to confirm the appointments"



(iii)      From Cllr Reid


“Council believes that local businesses would be significantly harmed if York were to introduce a unilateral congestion charge. Council believes that such a unilateral charge should be ruled out now in order to give certainty to concerned residents and businesses.

Council therefore resolves not to introduce a unilateral congestion charge in York for the duration of this Council and to commit to finding other ways to tackle congestion in the city.”


(iv)       From Cllr Simpson-Laing


“Council expresses concern atthe Conservative Liberal Democrat Government’sproposed changes tothe eligibility criteriafor residents who currently accessIncome Support, Income Based JSA, income-related ESA,Working Tax Credit,Child Tax Credit, Disability Living Allowance, HousingBenefit or Council TaxBenefit.

Under the proposals,Housing Benefit will be cut to those households deemed to be 'under-occupying' their properties, with the result that many in York will struggle to pay their rent and could end up being forced to leave their home.

This situation will be exacerbated by the Government proposing to push rents for social housing up to near market levels from April2011.

The introduction of a household benefit cap on the total amount of welfare benefits a claimant or a couple receives, set by reference to the average earnings of working households in England will adversely effect York residents due to higher than regional average rent levels.

The City of York Council takes an official position against the changes to Housing Benefitand requests the Chief Executive to write to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister requesting a rethinkdue to the hardships the changes will bring to many of York’s working households.”


(i)                 Budget Amendments


Having sought and received Council’s consent to alter his notice of motion by removing from the associated spreadsheet (page 105 of the agenda refers) the additional funding in the sum of £8.12k to “increase the Conservative political assistant entitlement to full-time etc, Cllr Alexander moved, and Cllr Gunnell seconded, that:


“At February’s Budget Council Meeting, the Labour Group proposed an amendment which would have rejected a number of cuts subsequently agreed by the Liberal Democrat and Conservative Groups, as well as other changes to capital and revenue budgets.


Since taking control of the Council, the Labour Group has produced a revised set of budget amendments, which fulfil its manifesto commitments to the residents of York by reversing just under £1m of these cuts to services that the most vulnerable rely on, and which also take account of the dreadful financial position that the Government has placed this and other local authorities in.


Council is therefore asked to rescind those decisions previously made in setting the Council’s budget in February 2011, where affected, and make the following amendments, as attached (at the end of the agenda papers at page 103).”


[In accordance with Standing Order 13.1 signed by:

Councillors Tracey Simpson-Laing, Dave Merrett, Ruth Potter, Sandy Fraser, Sonja Crisp and Janet Looker]


Cllr Healey then moved, and Cllr Gillies seconded, an amendment to the above motion, as follows:


 “At the end of the final paragraph, add:-

‘, subject to these amendments being revised as follows:

  • Delete ‘ACES99 – maintain support for last cohort of government-cut two year old childcare pilot by using funds from 3 and 4 year olds budget, -52’
  • Delete ‘Reverse cut in Trades Unions convenor time to have capacity required to deal with redundancies resulting from government cuts, 37.65’
  • Insert ‘Reverse funding to create an extra Cabinet post with a Special Responsibility Allowance of £14,700’
  • Delete ‘Increase Conservative political assistant entitlement to full time whilst also maintaining Liberal Democrat entitlement at full time, 8.12’’.


[In accordance with Standing Order 13.1 signed by:

Councillors Ian Gillies, Sian Wiseman, Paul Healey, Joe Watt and Chris Steward]


On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared LOST.


The original motion, as altered, was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the above notice of motion be approved. 1


At this point in the meeting, the guillotine fell and the remaining motions were moved, seconded and voted on without debate.


(ii)             Scrutiny Chairs


It was moved by Cllr Galvin and seconded by Cllr Healey that:


"Council agrees that chairs of all Scrutiny Committees must be from members of the main opposition parties and as such shall indicate which opposition party will chair the scrutiny committees currently chaired by members of the ruling party.  Specific nominations from the relevant opposition groups shall be forwarded to Democratic Services for processing and the Monitoring Officer is authorised to confirm the appointments"


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared LOST and it was


RESOLVED: That the above notice of motion not be approved.


(iii)           Congestion Charge


It was moved by Cllr Reid and seconded by Cllr Alexander that:


“Council believes that local businesses would be significantly harmed if York were to introduce a unilateral congestion charge. Council believes that such a unilateral charge should be ruled out now in order to give certainty to concerned residents and businesses.


Council therefore resolves not to introduce a unilateral congestion charge in York for the duration of this Council and to commit to finding other ways to tackle congestion in the city.”


Cllr D’Agorne then moved, and Cllr Taylor seconded, and amendment to the above motion, as follows:


“In the first sentence, replace 'harmed' with 'affected' 

Delete the second sentence and replace with:

'Council believes that local imposition of congestion charging is not a realistic option and that proactive work with local businesses, schools and major trip attractors to cut car use and promote sustainable modes of travel is likely to be a more effective approach.'

Add at the end:

'Council calls on the Cabinet Member for City Strategy to commit to an early review of LTP3 in the light of the new administration's pledges to 'Get York Moving Again' and on improving public transport in the city.'

On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared LOST.


The originalmotion was then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the above notice of motion be approved.


(iv)       From Cllr Simpson-Laing


It was moved by Cllr Simpson-Laing and seconded by Cllr Riches that:


“Council expresses concern atthe Conservative Liberal Democrat Government’sproposed changes tothe eligibility criteriafor residents who currently accessIncome Support, Income Based JSA, income-related ESA,Working Tax Credit,Child Tax Credit, Disability Living Allowance, HousingBenefit or Council TaxBenefit.

Under the proposals,Housing Benefit will be cut to those households deemed to be 'under-occupying' their properties, with the result that many in York will struggle to pay their rent and could end up being forced to leave their home.


This situation will be exacerbated by the Government proposing to push rents for social housing up to near market levels from April2011.


The introduction of a household benefit cap on the total amount of welfare benefits a claimant or a couple receives, set by reference to the average earnings of working households in England will adversely effect York residents due to higher than regional average rent levels.


The City of YorkCouncil takes an official position against the changes to Housing Benefitand requests the Chief Executive to write to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister requesting a rethinkdue to the hardships the changes will bring to many of York’s working households.”


On being put to the vote, the motion was declared CARRRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the above notice of motion be approved.

Supporting documents:


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