Agenda item

Report of Cabinet Leader and Cabinet Recommendations

To receive and consider a written report from the Leader on the work of the Cabinet, and the Cabinet recommendations for approval, as set out below:





























21 June 2011



















21 June 2011


Minute 7: Local Development Framework

A report highlighting proposed changes to the Housing Allocation under the previously agreed Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy is attached for Members consideration on the recommendation of the Cabinet.

The Core Strategy and associated documents will be made available online. Any members wanting a printed copy can do so on request


Minute 9: Media Protocol

The  proposed draft Media Protocol is attached.


A written report was received from the Cabinet Leader, Cllr James Alexander, on the work of the Cabinet.


Notice had been received of five questions on the written report, submitted by Members in accordance with Standing Orders. The first four questions were put and answered as follows:


(i)         From Cllr Cuthbertson

“If the Cabinet Leader believes York is over reliant on public sector jobs, why he is proposing to put small businesses on Gillygate at risk by selling off Union Terrace car park?”


The Leader replied:

“I do not believe the Labour Group’s decision to support expansion of York St John University will put private sector jobs at risk. It will instead create 100 private sector jobs and 100 public sector jobs. It will also act as a catalyst for economic growth.

Former Liberal Democrat Councillor Steve Galloway has published on his website that discussions over this scheme began 12 months ago. I was aware of it for many months and I was in opposition. The Liberal Democrats could have said no to the scheme when in office. I am told instead they wanted to wait until after the local election.”


(ii)        From Cllr Aspden

“Can the Cabinet Leader say when the alternative parking and coach drop off arrangements to replace Union Terrace will be made public?”


            The Leader replied:

“As soon as the workings of officers are complete. I suspect in the coming weeks.”


 (iii)      From Cllr Ayre

“Has the Cabinet Leader considered the impact that the proposed budget changes will have on next year’s budget?”


            The Leader replied:

“Yes. £0.6m reduction in council capital borrowing over the two year period.

In revenue terms, the added pressure is arguably £140k which is 0.1% of the entire council budget. This takes into account revenue spending commitments for 2011/12 that are one off expenditure and not part of the base budget.

I don’t think this is unreasonable considering the previous Liberal Democrat administration left a £0.5m black hole in Property Services and a £0.8m black hole in Housing.”


(iv)       From Cllr Cuthbertson

“If the Cabinet Leader is proposing to lead York in a new era of social democracy and fairness, how will he employ democracy in implementing the new ‘strong leader’ model and where will the fairness of his leadership style be seen?”


            The Leader replied:

“I will employ democracy in implementing the ‘strong leader’ model by using the mandate given to my Group in implementing our manifesto pledges, by seeking counsel and also by directly engaging with residents. I do not know of any Group Leader here today or any other Council Leader who makes their mobile number public.


Meaning consultation and fairness will stem not only from the Labour Group’s political values but also from the work of both the Equalities Advisory Group and the soon to be set up, and independently chaired, Fairness Commission.”


The time limit having expired for this item, written answers were circulated after the meeting to the remaining question as follows:


(v)        From Cllr Reid

“Other than providing new street lighting and rubbish bins, can the Cabinet Leader explain more about what ‘Reinvigorating York’ will mean?”



“It will mean a transformation of the city centre public realm with high quality infrastructure that will reduce maintenance costs and be consistent in design.


The concept is to invest in our city centre for the first time in many years. It has been allowed to become shabby and it is no longer befitting of a great place like York.”


Cllr Alexander then moved, and Cllr Merrett seconded, the following recommendations contained in Minute 8 of the Cabinet meeting held on 21 June 2011:


“(i)       That Council be requested to agree to amend the provision for housing growth contained in the submission draft of the Local Development Framework core strategy to an average of 800 dwellings per annum, along with other textual amendments. 1


(ii)        That the Director of City Strategy be requested to prepare a report for Council highlighting the implications of these changes, along with an amended Core Strategy document and to arrange briefings for Members.


(iii)       That the Director of City Strategy be also requested to include the points highlighted in the document circulated at the meeting into the revised Core Strategy document.”


Cllr Reid then moved, and Cllr Cuthbertson seconded, an amendment to the recommendations, as follows:


“Delete recommendation (i).

In recommendation (ii), delete all after ‘be requested’ and insert:

‘to draft an up to date report on the current legislative framework including the impact of the impending Localism Bill and implications of the recent High Court judgements in relation to the Secretary of State v Cala Homes, along with an assessment of other local authority approaches to the new legislation.

Delete recommendation (iii) and substitute:

‘That the Director of City Strategy be requested to follow the democratic approach previously adhered to, with such a report brought first to the LDF Working Group, then Cabinet, then Full Council.  Such process providing the correct democratic process for members of the public and elected Members to input into the development of the LDF Core Strategy.’”


On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared LOST.


The original recommendations were then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the recommendations in Minute 8 of the Cabinet meeting on 21 June 2011 (Local Development Framework) be approved. 1-2


Cllr Alexander then moved, and Cllr Simpson-Laing seconded, the following recommendations contained in the officer report at pages 41 to 56 of the Council papers:


“That Members:


(i)         Approve the attached Submission draft Core Strategy and supporting documents for publication and subsequent submission for public examination. 2


(ii)        Delegate to the Director of City Strategy in consultation with the Cabinet Member City Strategy the making of any changes to the Submission draft Core Strategy and supporting documents  that are necessary as a result of the recommendations of Council.


(iii)       Delegate to the Director of City Strategy in consultation with the Cabinet Member City Strategy the making of any non substantive editorial or formatting changes to the Submission draft Core Strategy and supporting documents.


(iv)       Delegate to the Director of City Strategy in consultation with the Cabinet Member City Strategy the approval of relevant topic papers and other supporting documents to provide background information and explanation of the approach and process.”


Cllr Ayre then moved, and Cllr Runciman seconded, an amendment to the above recommendations, as follows:


“At the end of recommendation (ii), insert:

‘, including any changes necessary to designate the areas of search as ‘Countryside Areas’ as per the report to LDF Working Group on 4th October 2010.  Land would only be taken out of Countryside delegation in exceptional circumstances through a review of the LDF development plan and would require consultation, Member support and public examination.’”


On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared LOST.


The original recommendations in the report were then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the recommendations in paragraph 54 of the report at pages 41 to 56 of the Council papers be approved. 1-2


Cllr Alexander then moved, and Cllr Simpson-Laing seconded, the following recommendations contained in Minute 9 of the Cabinet meeting held on 21 June 2011:


“(i)       That Council approve the revised Media Protocol at their meeting on 30 June 2011. 3


(ii)        That Council agree to the removal of the Media Protocol from the Council’s Constitution.” 4


For completeness, the minutes and comments of the Audit and Governance Committee (28 June 2011) on this matter were circulated to Members at the meeting.


Cllr Gillies moved and Councillor Healey seconded a motion to refer the recommendations back to the Cabinet for clarification on some of the terms used in the Media Protocol. On being put to the vote this motion was declared LOST.


The original recommendations were then put to the vote and declared CARRIED and it was


RESOLVED: That the recommendations in Minute 9 of the Cabinet meeting on 31 June 2011 (Media Protocol) be approved. 3-4

Supporting documents:


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