Agenda item

Canon Lee School, Rawcliffe Drive, York. YO30 6NS (10/02738/GRG3)

This application is for the installation of an all weather multi-use sports pitch with 8no floodlights,4m high fence and associated spectator benches. [Skelton, Rawcliffe and Clifton Without] [Site Visit]


Members considered a general regulations application by City of York Council for the installation of a multi use sports pitch with 8no floodlights, 4m high fence and associated spectator benches.


In their update to Members, Officers informed them that additional responses had been received from Clifton Without Parish Council. The Parish Council recommended that if the application was approved that;


·        a mature natural hedge should be installed between the games area and residential properties as a noise limitation barrier

·        that the landscaped mound along Water Lane should continue around the end of the sports pitch for at least the full width of the apparatus

·        that padded or rubber boards should be added to wooden surrounds to limit noise


In reference to the additional responses from the Parish Council, Officers suggested that a landscaping condition could be added to planning consent to require that details be agreed in the interests of residential amenity, if Members were minded to approve the application.


Members were also informed that Sport England welcomed the amended plans, which mentioned the improved pitch and sufficient hours of usage for community use.


The amendments to the published plans were as follows; that the figures in section 4.6 of the report were approximate and should be amended to read the outer edge of the pitch being ’28 m from 22 Saville Grove and 26m from 27 Fairway’ with floodlights being 34m and 33m. From 133 Water Lane, the distances should be 20.5 m and 26.5 m and from those opposite Water Lane the minimum distance is 40m.


Officers stated that an additional representation in objection to the application had been submitted after the agenda was published. This was then attached to the agenda after the meeting,  which  was subsequently republished online.


Representations in support were received from the head teacher of Canon Lee School. He explained that the reasons behind the application were that;


·        the sporting curriculum was currently limited, as no outdoor usage was available for significant parts of the winter due to weather

·        the off-site land that they owned, had now been given over to Rawcliffe Primary School

·        that the funding for the pitch had now ceased, and that it could not be run without financing from external lettings


Further representations in support were received from Councillor Looker, as the Chair of Governors of Canon Lee School. She spoke about how she felt that the governors had recognised the need for the new facilities, both for the school and the community. She added that the pitch would be available for specific community groups and that they would book the let through the school. Finally she added that she felt that the maintenance of the current sports pitch was untenable and that a replacement would overcome this problem.


Representations in objection to the application were received from a neighbour who lived adjacent to the school. She spoke about the current levels of noise from the site, and that it would be increased if the application was approved. She added that there could be increased pressure on the police due to the potential of out of hours unauthorised usage.


Representations were received from Councillor Watt as the Ward Member. He stated that he was against the application for a number of reasons including; current and potential light pollution from the floodlights, noise pollution, the reduction in the amount of green open space and that the benches around the site could encourage Anti Social Behaviour on the site.


Members asked the head teacher about the out of school usage, lettings of the sports pitch, the security of the pitch and the need for it in the school grounds.


In response to Members’ questions, the head teacher replied that a car park and changing facilities would be available for out of school usage, but that outside lettings would not be permitted during school hours. Additionally, a site manager would be present on the pitch from 21.15-21.30. It was also reported that the lights on site would be extinguished 15-20 minutes after the end of a letting. The head teacher explained the school’s view on the need for the pitch. He stated that the pitch had been proposed in order to create an appropriate space near to the school for activities such as hockey to take place.


Some Members felt that the application should be refused on the grounds of visual impact (that it would be perceived to look like a “prison camp”), noise and light pollution and due to the loss of a grassed playing field to a replacement hard standing pitch.


Other Members felt that the sports facility for the school and the community was likely to be improved. They did express concerns about the lighting of the pitch, and suggested that they shine downwards on to the pitch, but were reassured that they were to be switched off after the end of a letting and that site management would control this. It was felt that the site management could also dampen the noise levels emitted from the site.


RESOLVED:That the application be approved subject to an additional condition  requiring sound attenuation of the kickboard around the all weather pitch


REASON:            In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed in the Officer’s report, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to:


                             -loss of playing field;

                             -benefit to the wider community;

                             -visual impact;

                             -affect on residential amenity;

                             -highway safety implications;

                             -flood risk and drainage matters;


                             As such the proposal complies with national planning advice contained within Planning Policy Statement 1 “Delivering Sustainable Development”, Planning Policy Statement 17 “Planning for Open Space, Sport and Recreation”, Planning Policy Guidance Note 24 “Planning and Noise”, Planning Policy Statement 25 “Planning and Flood Risk”, and Policies GP1, GP3, GP15a and ED11 of the City of York Development Control Local Plan.

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