Agenda item

Whitewalls, Ox Carr Lane, Strensall, York. YO32 5TD (10/02606/FUL)

This application is a full application for the partial demolition of a dwellinghouse known as “Whitewalls”, the erection of erection of two additional detached 2-storey dwellinghouses and the erection of garage/carport for each of these dwellinghouses.


This application has been called in for consideration by the committee by Councillor Wiseman due to local  concerns about drainage, overdevelopment, highway issues and reclassification of garden land. [Strensall] [Site Visit]


Members considered a full application from William King Homes for the erection of 2 no. detached dwellings, 3 no. double garages, associated access and alterations to the retained dwelling at Whitewalls.


In their update to Members, Officers reported that the application had been revised. The amendments related to a reduction in the size of the dwelling on Plot 1 from a five bedroomed house to a four bedroomed house, resulting in an increased distance from the proposed house to the boundary  of the site with 12 Whin Close. A mature beech tree would not now need to be felled, subject to adequate protection being provided during the construction phase.


It was reported that comments had been received from Yorkshire Water in relation to the flow of foul water from the new properties. The comments stated that the additional flow of foul water would be insignificant and that the drains in the area were owned privately, and so they were not responsible for them.


Officers circulated a copy of comments that had been received from the Council’s Landscape Architect in relation to the application to the Committee.


They added that if the application was approved, that the Council’s Landscape Architect recommended that the condition relating to tree preservation be replaced with one to show how the retained trees would be protected during the construction of the properties, through the submission of a method statement.


The agent for the applicant confirmed that the applicant would be happy to provide a method statement for the retention of the trees on the application site.


Representations in objection were heard from a representative of Strensall Parish Council. He referred to the circulated comments from the Council’s Landscape Architect and expressed concerns about the spatial separation between the existing trees and the house on plot 1. He also referred to the location of the site next to a green area and  that consideration should be given to the preservation of  green corridors when considering the application.  Further to this, he added that there was a concern that the garages would be clearly visible from the road due to their  location in front of the houses, with the houses appearing subservient to the garages.


Members received clarification from Officers that the garages would be single storey and would be set back from the road, and would be well screened. They felt that although there would be a loss of trees on the site, significant screening would be attained by  new planting.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved.


REASON:                  In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed in the Officer’s report, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to:


-         Overall planning principles

-         Visual appearance

-         Neighbour amenity

-         Drainage

-         Open space

-         Highway issues

-         Bio-diversity

-         Sustainable design and construction


As such the proposal complies with national planning advice contained within Planning Policy Statement 3 “Housing” and policies GP1, GP4a, GP10, GP15a, NE1, NE6 and L1c of the City of York Draft Local Plan.

Supporting documents:


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