Agenda item

Key Corporate Risk Monitor 4.

The purpose of this paper is to present to Audit and Governance Committee (A&G) the current position of the risks associated with the Key Corporate Risks (KCRs) as at the end of February 2011.


Members considered a report that presented the current position of the risks associated with the Key Corporate Risks (KCRs) as at the end of February 2011.


Consideration was given to the risks set out at Annex B, confidential Annex C and in the report.


Further to discussions that had taken place at the previous meeting, Officers outlined paragraph 11 of the report in reference to the work undertaken regarding the bullying and harassment policy in schools.


Certain Members queried the target and revised dates, in particular for risk references 1796, 1798 and 1799 on pages 30 and 31 of the agenda. It was requested that the Director of Communities and Neighbourhoods attends the next meeting to provide an update on whether the actions associated with these risks have been completed.


The Director of City Strategy was in attendance at the meeting to present the Risk Register for the Community Stadium project. He provided an update to Members who queried the current status of the planning application, access issues to the proposed site and the level of involvement of local sports clubs.



RESOLVED:             (i)That Members considered the risks set out at Annex B  and C and paragraph 8 of the report.


(ii)That the following risks be reviewed in more detail at the  next meeting, particularly in relation to target dates:

·          Risk Ref 1796, 1798 and 1799.1


(ii)That Members noted the risks reports presented in respect of  Bullying and Harassment, York Community Stadium, Administrative Acccomodation Project and iTrent Payroll System.



REASON:                  (i)To provide assurance that risks to the council are  continuously monitored.


                                    (ii)To provide assurance that risks to the council are  continuously monitored


(iii)To provide assurance that key risks to the council are being properly managed.





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