Agenda item

Three Conservation Area Appraisals for Strensall, Strensall Railway Buildings and Towthorpe Village Conservation Areas: Results of Consultation and Final Drafts for Approval.

This report presents the results of a public consultation exercise on the three separate draft Conservation Area Character Appraisals for the neighbouring conservation areas of Strensall, Strensall Railway Buildings and Towthorpe Village. The report recommends that, following minor revisions to the appraisals, they are approved as supporting documents to existing City of York Council conservation policies.


Members considered a report, which presented the results of a public consultation exercise in respect of three separate draft Conservation Area Character Appraisals for the neighbouring Conservation Areas of Strensall, Strensall Railway Buildings and Towthorpe Village.


Details of the comments received to the three consultations together with officer’s recommendations for proposed amendments had been set out at Annex C to the report. It was confirmed that all responses had been given full consideration and assessed in relation to government policy and English Heritage guidance. Network Rail were also now in support of the proposed boundary extension to include the former station site following amendments to the wording of paragraph 7.05.


Officers confirmed that a number of suggestions had been made during the consultation for amendment to the existing conservation area boundaries. However these had had to be assessed not only on individual merit but also whether they would make a special contribution to the character and appearance of the area as a whole. It was therefore only proposed to extend the boundaries of Strensall Railway Buildings and Towthorpe Conservation Areas as recommended in the draft appraisals and detailed on the plan at Annex E of the report.


The Chair thanked officers for their work in the preparation of these informative reports.


RESOLVED:             That the Committee agree Option 1, to approve the three draft appraisals (Strensall,  Strensall Railway Buildings and Towthorpe Village), as proposed in Annex D1, D2 & D3 and as amended by Annex C of the officers report, for planning purposes.1.

REASON:                  The documents represent a thorough analysis of the character and appearance of each conservation area and they have been prepared in accordance with current guidance from English Heritage. The boundary reviews have been carried out in accordance with the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 and they conform with the latest policy guidance on the historic environment - PPS 5 and the related planning practice guide.  The documents are clearly written and accessible to a wide range of users.  The consultation method and range accords with previous practice.  Information and views of consultees have been carefully considered in the amendments proposed.  The approval of the documents will assist with the formulation and determination of development proposals both within and adjacent to the 3no conservation areas.

Supporting documents:


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