Agenda item

Beetle Bank Farm, Moor Lane, Murton, York YO19 5XD (11/00002/FULM)

Change of use of land to visitor attraction comprising open farm and wildlife sanctuary with associated barn, two storey amenity building and car park [Osbaldwick Ward].


Consideration was give to a major full application, submitted by Ms Angela Serino, for the change of use of land to a visitor attraction comprising open farm and wildlife sanctuary with associated barn, two storey amenity building and car park.


Officers updated that following further discussions with the Highway Authority it had been confirmed that Reason 4 in the Officers report for refusal of the application could be adequately covered by condition in any approval. Officers therefore recommended removal of this reason from their recommendation.


Representations in objection to the application were received from a member of Murton Parish Council. She confirmed that the Parish Council felt that due to its overall scale the proposals would have a significant impact on the Green Belt. It was not considered that the road access was suitable for such large-scale use with much of the site being water logged in winter months. They also raised concerns that no exit strategy had been prepared in the event of the cessation of the proposed use.


Representations in support were then received from the applicant who outlined her intentions for the use of the land and its development as a visitor attraction. She referred to the suitability of the adjacent highways, discussions with the Planning Department and conservation bodies prior to submission of the application. She also referred to additional information subsequently requested by the Planning Department and to the shortened lead in time for determination of the application.


Members questioned a number of aspects of the application including:

·        Confirmation that Highways had agreed that there was now no requirement for a Traffic Impact Assessment.

·        Information in respect of the creation of ponds.

·        Size of wooded area required for red squirrels and its viability.

·        Details of associated facilities ancillary to the farm and wildlife sanctuary.


Following further discussion it was


RESOLVED:             That the application be refused for the under mentioned reasons:


REASON:      1. It is considered that whilst the open farm and wildlife sanctuary elements of the attraction fall within the definition of essential facility for outdoor recreation, the play areas, seating area, coffee shop, party rooms and other associated facilities within the proposed amenity building fall outside the list of purposes set out under paragraph 3.4 of Planning Policy Guidance no.2 “Green Belts” and Policy GB1 of the City of York Draft Local Plan. As such they are considered to be inappropriate development in the Green Belt. Given their inappropriateness in the Green Belt they are, by definition harmful to the green belt, contrary to the national planning advice contained within Planning Policy Guidance no.2 “Green Belts” and Policy GB1 “Development in the Green Belt” of the City of York Draft Local Plan.


2. By virtue of its overall height, scale, external appearance and massing together with its dominance when viewed from Moor Lane and Bad Bargain Lane to the north of the application site, it is considered that the proposed two storey amenity building would, if approved have a harmful and irreversible impact on the open character and visual amenities of York Green Belt and the purpose of including land within the Green Belt, contrary to, in particular paragraphs 3.5 and 3.15 of Planning Policy Guidance no.2, policies SP2 and GB1 of the City of York Draft Local Plan, and the guidelines set out in Murton Village Design Statement.


 3. Details regarding the numbers and types of farm animals/livestock including farm equipment to be accommodated within the proposed animal barn have not been provided, without which it is not possible to assess whether the scale of the proposed development is proportionate to the size of the proposed visitor attraction and open farm and whether it complies with the national planning advice set out under paragraphs 3.5 and 3.15 of Planning Policy Guidance no.2, policies SP2 and GB1 of the City of York Draft Local Plan and the guidelines set out in Murton Village Design Statement.

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