Agenda item

Harewood Whin Landfill Site, Tinker Lane, Rufforth, York YO23 3RR (07/02914/FULM)

Construction of 2 no. concrete pads totalling 25,800 m2, site roadways and drainage system including underground storage tanks, for use as a green waste composting and waste wood recycling facility [Rural West York Ward].


Consideration was given to a full application, submitted by Yorwaste Ltd, for the construction of 2 no. concrete pads totalling 25,800m2, site roadways and drainage system including underground storage tanks, for use as a green waste composting and waste wood recycling facility.


Officers circulated an update on the application, which detailed the following (a full copy of the update has been attached as an annex to the agenda for the meeting):

·        The Committee had previously approved this application, subject to the removal of the Environment Agencies objection. Confirmation that this objection had now been removed.

·        The following concerns had been raised by members, residents, the Parish Council and local Member of Parliament:

o     Lack of overall strategy for the site.

o     Potential impact on the local surface water drainage pattern.

o     Lack of provision for renewable energy generation.

o     Use of recycled aggregate and the amount of embedded energy used in the construction process.

o     The scheme could lead to an increase in compostable material over and above the existing situation at the site.

o     Impact on the openness of the Green Belt.

o     Outstanding matter in relation to public rights of way from the Section 106 Agreement.

·        Recommended addition of an informative to Condition 20 in relation to an odour management scheme for the site.

·        Amendment of Condition 21 to read “noise management protocol scheme”.

·        Amendment of Condition 4 to add “including semi-mature specimens wherever practicable”.

·        Confirmation that Rufforth Parish Councils letter, previously circulated to members, referred to a separate application for the site to be considered by the West and Centre Sub-Committee.


Representations were received from a local resident expressing concerns at the lack of communication by Yorwaste, with the Parish Council and local residents. He also referred to a number of outstanding Section 106 conditions and to the 14 incremental variations and alterations received for the site.  He asked members to recommend a formal review of the site and its use.


Representations were also received from a member of Rufforth Parish Council who expressed a number of concerns including that their objections to the scheme still remained. They pointed out that they believed Yorwaste had failed to argue the case for very special circumstances and requested the Committee to delay a decision to enable the developers to produce a master plan for the site.


A representative of Yorwaste confirmed that an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) had been submitted with the original application and that  the present application had also been accompanied by an EIA which had considered the development’s potential impact in respect of visual impact, noise etc. He explained that the existing facility was now too small for purpose and that the new pads would enable the compost to be regularly turned to reduce the potential for odour from the site.


Councillor Gillies referred to several outstanding issues at the Harewood Whin site and to resident’s main objections being the lack of an overall strategy for the site. He pointed out the number of separate applications made by the developers and to proposals for the Allerton Park site with additional vehicles being routed through Rufforth village. He asked the Committee to request the applicants to submit an overall development brief for the site and for them to undertake full consultation with the City of York Council, adjacent Parish Councils and the Drainage Board.


The Council’s legal representative confirmed that there were no formal legal or policy requirements for the developers to prepare a master plan or development brief for the site. Officers went on to confirm that priority would be given to enforcement issues relating to the site but that this was separate to the application under consideration.


Members made a number of comments in relation to the proposals including:

  • Need for a condition to control the proportion of demolition aggregate used in the construction of the pads. The applicants confirmed that this would be covered at the civil engineering detailed design stage.
  • Confirmation received that the Sustrans cycle route adjacent to the site would be safeguarded.
  • Confirmation that there had been no material change in policy or site circumstances since approval of the original application.
  • Further details in relation to the removal of hedgerows and landscaping proposals.
  • Request for detailed figures for future green waste.
  • Additional traffic would make roads in the vicinity less attractive to sustainable transport and for the need to provide cyclists with an alternative route.


The Chair confirmed that he hoped the applicant would take note of the Parish Council and resident’s comments and make presentations to all neighbouring Parish Councils on their proposals for the site.  Officers also confirmed that further discussions would be undertaken with Yorwaste in relation to undertaking some preparatory work and safeguarding of the Sustrans cycle route.


RESOLVED:             That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the report and to the following amended and conditions:


Amended Condition 4: Prior to the commencement of development on site, a detailed landscaping plan, showing the number, species, height and position of all trees and hedging including semi-mature specimens wherever practicable, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Additional Informative to Condition 20: The odour management scheme should be developed in line with the DEFRA guidance document Good Practice and Regulatory Guidance on Composting and Odour Control for Local Authorities Appendix C.


Amended Condition 21: The noise management protocol scheme shall be reviewed 1 year after the first use of the development. This review must be submitted in writing with any amendments to the noise management protocol scheme to the Local Planning Authority for written approval.


REASON:                  In the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the proposal, subject to the conditions listed, would not cause undue harm to interests of acknowledged importance, with particular reference to the designated green belt, environmental issues, drainage and traffic. As such the proposal complies with PPG2, PPS7, PPS10 and Policies SP2, SP3, GP4a, GB1, GB14, MW5 and MW1 of the City of York Development Control Draft Local Plan.

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